Singing Too Low?

Since I've been working with Ken's method, I can sing lower better, which I like. But when I practice low notes, Maybe around E2, or sing along with some Josh Turner, my speaking voice suddenly gets lower and rougher, as if I've been straining my voice. The high notes still sound the same. So I want to know if I'm actually training the chords, or just kind of thrashing them to get down to those notes. Does anyone have experience with that?
Do make sure you are not oversinging low. And make sure you aren't speaking in a louder voice, as well, after warming up by singing.
You don't want to sing with your voice so low that the notes start to break up.
When singing as low as you can go in head voice, you also have to be careful to not "bottom out" the voice at its lowest notes. That isn't good for the cords to let it trash out by going lower than the voice can properly phonate.