Here I am with another songs I recorded today to check how I am doing.
Listening back (always really hard) I am afraid I am too nasal, I would like to hear some objectives critics to help me growing.
Thanks in advance of those who will spend some times on it.
Most important I think is that your delivery here is BELIEVABLE. You know what I mean? Yes, there's a little too much nasality and some pitch issues and I'd love to hear more girth and resonance, but those will all come in time. What impressed me the most was that you approached the song like a real singer would, with sincerity in your voice. Big ups, bro.
That's the best feedback I could hope to receive.
I really appreciate what you wrote.
I will be working on the problems I found on my singing, nasality comes most from my attempt to be bright. I am really trying to get the bright ping tone and I am still exploring it.
Once again thanks for the comment gives me a lot of will to work as hard as I can.