Jack White
Pro Posts: 410
Just wanted to share this song by Jack White since it isn't all that famous (yet - hopefully). I'm a bit of a pop/rock guy myself but this gut-wrenching belt performance by Jack continues to knock my socks off every time I listen to it - which I do constantly - in a way that pop just never can achieve.
Starts off slow but prepare for an octave-jump He's in the D5 area, full chest, in the chorus I think.
By the by he's also the frontman of numerous current rock bands most noteably The White Stripes and The Racontours.
PS: Would be pretty cool if we could open up a sub-forum, or at least a pinned topic, designated to sharing music with each other. I would personally love to get some good old school recommendations - it's a jungle when you only know the artists from reading their name once -
Very rough vocal distortion in a few places. Raw Power, but it hurts my throat to listen to some of it! The guitar distortion is similarly brutal at times, so maybe some of the vocal distortion is overdriven signal.
Cool tune, ragnar. Thanks for sharing!