Hello from Hamburg. I look forward to reaching a new level in making music.

erianerian Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 6
Hello, I'm Gabi from close to Hamburg, singing in a very German gospel choir, being ambitious, but no more than medium level.

In the last years, music took over an important role in my life, but more as hobby musician. I play alto saxophone (just came home from a workshop with my windsection mates), reawoke my guitar and just have started to play the bass guitar.
My choir is quite well known around our village, but we are more the fun fraction and for years we did not have professional vocal training. I sometimes attend further weekend workshops, which are helpful, but only scratch the surface of the whole area of singing.

I am now still busy with downloding the whole KTVA stuff but have started the first lessons, until the LAAAw video. Very impressive to me that I reached a for me quite high range without getting my throat hurt. When I afterwards heard my favorite group on the radio, I started to sing along - "Way down we go..." and suddenly had a bluesy-souly dirty undertone in my voice, that I was almost shocked by myself. If that is the result of only 60 minutes training, I am curious what is awaiting for me.

Have a nice evening all! :smile:


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Hi, Gabi/erian! Glad to meet you and hear a little bit about what you've been up to. You're really going to like how your voice is going to grow over the future. You're just getting started on a journey that will go on and on with improvements.


  • erianerian Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 6
    Thank you for the welcome. Let's see what will happen.
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