Tongue questions

I've been watching videos of you over and over. I noticed that you tend to stick your tongue out a bit, especially when belting high note stuff. Does that "forward-moving" of the tongue help you to keep the throat open? I am right now in the middle of applying the open throat-feel with my repertoire. Very often I will have no problem doing higher phrases on an AHH vowel but when I sing the lyrics I feel like I'm swalloing a frog 

I try to keep the tongue down, but for example on a phrase like "the night isn't over" it seems impossible (A below tenor C on "night") Should I modify the vowels?
On a side note, my neck seems to swell and ateries pop out when I sing high in chest. It doesn't hurt tough. Is that still a sign I'm overpowering?
Thanks for the insights,
The = T (uh)
Night = N (ah) (ee) t
Isn't = (ee) s (uh) nt
Over = (oh) v (uh) r