Feeling like I cant get it back! HELP
Pro Posts: 5
OK....Serious question to anyone who may have had this issue or at least knows what i mean...I had a bad lengthy sinus/respiratory illness. the boys n I had a few jams during this time ( wonder now if this was a bad idea ) but for the most part we all just took some time to get well. Now, I have recovered ( not to mention allergy season is upon me now ) but I feel like I'm going through puberty at 51 now as my voice seems to have lost range, lost mids, well lost isn't accurate, cracks and flutters is more like it. I cant seem to sing nearly as well as I did 3 months ago. I feel like giving it all up now but I'm an optimist. Does anyone have any ideas or insight on what to do to get it back! I could sing Boston now am struggling with REO... cant seem to shake congestion and I feel like there is always something in or behind my cords preventing me from getting it back.
Best Answers
Furious_Phil Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,421How long have you been doing the KTVA course?
I ask, because before I started, I had very similar issues, but 7 months later (after pretty consistent training) I got it all back and more.
What I can say is to go at it, but done get over-zealous and overtax the vocal cords... and hydrate like crazy when practicing! I literally take a decent swig of room temp water in between each exercise to keep things from drying up.
So you may have to restart at phase 1 and rebuild your foundations, but take it as an opportunity and a challenge, not a setback. -
highmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,387There are certain bugs that go around that kick you into the dirt vocally. Some of these take months to fully recover from. When that happens, there isn't much you can do except dust yourself off and get back on the horse.
Bugs like this are why Ken recommends singing through most illnesses, unless you have a bronchial infection or bad cough, laryngitis, or hoarseness. Even though the illness will kick you down and reduce your vocal capabilities, if you keep trying to maintain your voice through the illness, it will take less time to bounce back, because you don't atrophy your vocal strength, in addition to being sick.
When these monster bugs that settle in and ruin your voice for months happen, you just have to work your way back. Much of the setback is just the resilient effect that the bug has on suppressing your singing voice. You'll get it back, but not in the timeframe that you would expect. The bugs are just super-strong and hard to kick out of your voice.