
MattMatt Pro Posts: 197
edited August 2012 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF
Hello everyone at KTVA,

My name is Matt Harris and I'm a singer/songwriter from Essex, England. I've tried many different singing methods and learnt a lot over the years, and so far I feel that Ken has opened me up to yet another way of looking at singing and I hope the proof will be in the singing eventually!



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    Welcome to the KTVA Forums.  I think you're really going to like where this is going to take you. 

    Many of us here have been through the mill of trying a lot of different vocal methods prior to finding a home here.  Make sure you just leave everything you already know at the door, and become child-like, an empty slate, an open book.  That will prepare the way for you to absorb the maximum amount of correct knowledge as you proceed.

    Your hope that the proof will be in the singing will become your reality if you just look and listen and do the work that it takes to get there.  You Will Be Amazed!!!

    Nice to meet you!


  • MattMatt Pro Posts: 197
    Hi Bob,

    Thank you for your thoughts - I think that's what I like about this method; that I have left all prior knowledge at the door. The thing that attracted me to this method was the focus on vowel modifications and it has already helped me just applying what I've learnt to songs already. I look forward to getting a routine going!

    Nice to meet you too!

  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    Glad to have you aboard Matt. All the best!
  • MattMatt Pro Posts: 197
    Thanks Patrick, you too!
  • KokonuhtKokonuht Member, Enrolled Posts: 658
    Welcome Matt! I'm pretty sure you'll learn a lot at KTVA! If you have any problems you're facing, feel free to post em here ;)! We help each other out here in KTVA ;D

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