Original new song! vocal demo

Here it is:

Cool if you want to listen :) I dont got anything special to say just that i'm having alot of fun making songs at the moment. It's nice to hear what people think of it.



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    I like this one a lot. Good chorus. Good individual sections. They go together well as a song structure. These last two songs you've posted are up a whole level from what you were posting before. Keep it up. You're starting to get on a roll.
  • JonasFinnLarssonJonasFinnLarsson Pro Posts: 200
    highmtn said:

    I like this one a lot. Good chorus. Good individual sections. They go together well as a song structure. These last two songs you've posted are up a whole level from what you were posting before. Keep it up. You're starting to get on a roll.

    Thanks Bob! Nice to hear your input :) I'll take it as far as I can! Thanks for your encouragement I appreciate it.
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