How would high singing sound if done by a bass voice type?
Alright, so I understand that bass voices are relatively rare. The most common male voice type is a baritone, and less common is a tenor. If a baritone trains his chest register to be able to sing higher, it sounds really awesome. What would it sound like if a bass were to train this way? Has this ever been tried?
one absolutely INCREDIBLE example of a bass who can sing high is a man by the name of Eric Hollaway
here is a video of him showcasing his range about 7 years ago, since this was uploaded his voice has actually gotten even deeper
(also one thing to note is that he claims 5 octaves but really he has 4, nothing to be ashamed of by any means but it's not what he claims ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
two other basses that arent quite as low but are still incredibly impressive in their highs are singers by the names of Tim Foust of home free and Geoff Castellucci of VoicePlay
I hope this helped!