Rick Roy

I'm almost 59 and love to sing although I doubt I'll sing at the PRO level, I still enjoy it and will aspire to improve my singing threw my purchase of Ken's product. I bought the package thats called the Pro Bundle. My singing experience is mostly at home via youtube song videos from folks like Karfun and I sing via some self amplified bluetooth speakers and an inexpensive mic.

I also have sung karaoke at 6 or so venues, but I dislike the bar environment and having to wait sometimes more than an hour before I have a turn for a second song. I like singing karaoke in the Philippines where you pay a small amount per song and frequently can sing more than one song in a row.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Welcome, Rick! You will find that this course helps you to be a better singer. You'll enjoy singing more when you know a little more about how to do it better!

  • KaiEllisKaiEllis Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 215
    Welcome!!! That's the challenge with karaoke bars, isn't it? When I was going ALL THE TIME, I realized waiting an hour to sing again just wasn't any fun... so I challenged myself to sing along with whatever was coming from the speakers. Made it much more challenging AND enjoyable for me!
  • bentkbentk Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,650
    Welcome! KTVA will rock your voice if you stick to it!

    All the best,

  • rickroyrickroy Pro Posts: 5
    KaiEllis said:

    Welcome!!! That's the challenge with karaoke bars, isn't it? When I was going ALL THE TIME, I realized waiting an hour to sing again just wasn't any fun... so I challenged myself to sing along with whatever was coming from the speakers. Made it much more challenging AND enjoyable for me!

    Yea, I hear ya KaiEllis (I have a 3 Y/O Great Nephew named Kai BTW) I sing via youtube with some decent low end bluetooth speakers and mics that cost about 100 bucks. I sing around 400 songs in w wide variety of rock-n-roll with a dabbling of country. Some songs I do ok on as an amature singer for Karaokie and some I'm just terri-bad at. That's why I bought Ken's coarse, to improve...

    I like to sing songs around a theme. Like Eye, of the Tiger, Bungle in the Jungle, One Step from the Jungle to the Zoo, Holy Diver, Welcome to the Jungle.

    Or, She Talks to Angels, Angel in Blue, Your my Angel.

    Or how about Folsom Prison Blues, Four walls of Raiford, Mama Tried, Bohemian Rhapsody

    I'm going to start a YouTube channel which will have some of my Karaoke singing although that won't be the main focus of the channel...


  • rickroyrickroy Pro Posts: 5
    highmtn said:

    Welcome, Rick! You will find that this course helps you to be a better singer. You'll enjoy singing more when you know a little more about how to do it better!


    I hear ya Bob, I love singing already, I always have, I just never sang in front of people or threw equipment until 2011 when I sang Karaoke at my new wife's family home in the Philippines.

    I came from a very very broken home, so I never heard my father could really croon, thats how he met all his wives and girlfriends, so I guess my inheritance from my father was the love of singing. Don't get me wrong I'm not very good yet, and the toll of being a heavy smoker and toker when I was younger is kinda heavy.

    My goal is to hopefully get better then sing at expat parties etc... in the Philippines, I'd wanted to start a Karaoke business here in the USA but I gave up driving so no go....
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