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Gradually lose my upper range

TimHsuTimHsu Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 45
edited July 2017 in Vocal Health and Wellness
I would like to tell you a sad story about how I gradually lose my upper range. I have no idea what's going on and what to do next.
I was able to power up my head voice. I could mix my head voice(C5-A5) with arbitrary among of chesty sound as I wish(I was born with it). However I could never sing on passagio(G#4-B4). Through my entire singing career I am always seeking a way to sing across the bridge. About one year ago, I started to use some unnatural way to sing and do exercises(I thought it was correct). What I did is I forced my soft palette stable when sing across the bridge. One day I found my head voice get harder to reach and there's no support, but it's too late. I am not able to reverse the muscle memory. I am frustrated because I've sing for ten years but lost my voice in only one year and even speaking voice is affected. As I try to do more exercises things get even worse. Although now I can occasionally do what I could do but in most cases I struggles and sometime a bit painful. Is there anybody ever encounter this situation? Is it muscle tension dysphonia?



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    It may be from singing too loudly through the passaggio. You may have swelling.

    You should get a doctor's opinion on what is happening to your voice and what is the best course of rehabilitation.

  • ArtickusArtickus 2.0 PRO Posts: 66
    edited July 2017
    Hey, Tim. Always bad to hear about such things happening, you definitely must see a doctor. I have recently recovered from vocal fold paresis myself but only with the help of professional doctors and yes, muscle memory is tricky, even seasoned professionals can fall for wrong reflexes and never recover from it (but seems mostly not looking for the way thou). If anything I can give you tips on how I managed to recover from paresis.
  • TimHsuTimHsu Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 45
    Thanks @highmtn @Artickus
    The problem is mostly in muscle memory. I was using too much unnecessary muscle to sing blocking the air flowing through the vocal cord.
    I finally found a possible solution. I remember when I did mid-high range a part of my throat(below adam's apple) always "shrink" inside so that I can produce high note. I am using this phenomenon to check if I correctly use my vocal cord just like before. And make sure I am not forcing it to happen. My voice come back day by day. Speaking is not painful anymore. But singing still need time to recover.
    I would like to say this is my personal experience. I've never seen a coach mentions such "shrinking phenomenon". Beginners should follow doctors and Ken's instruction...
  • ArtickusArtickus 2.0 PRO Posts: 66
    @highmtn You are welcome. From my perspective, my left side of the vocal fold was not moving, I had some medication that helps the nerves to provide impulses better and was making a special set of vocal exercises that are more like vocal fold muscle exercise to make certain moves rather than just vocal workout. But the proper vocal workout is itself a healing instrument.
  • TimHsuTimHsu Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 45
    @Artickus It seems terrible. It's sad of me to hear that. Glad you recover now. How did your voice sound like at that time? sounds breathy? horsing, or cracking?
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