Looking for some more feedback!

Hello everyone! So I've been singing again, recently getting back to doing my workouts on volume 2; I'm not sure how long I have until I got everything in volume 2 down and ready to move on to volume 3, but ah well. I have a youtube channel where in the last week I uploaded a couple of things; sort of like my practice grounds for critique and whatnot!
here it is!
I'd appreciate some constructive feedback as usual! Willing to take the road to becoming a vocal "monster"! By the way, I know it's not really important, but if I were to be categorized voice-type wise, what would I fall into?
Thanks again in advance! 

You have a very good sound to your voice, and I like your style with all of the runs and trills. I'd like to hear you mixed in with some backing tracks. Sometimes your acapella drifts a little more than it probably would if you had a reference track to keep you on concert pitch.
I think your niche would be classified as an R&B style, which I personally like a lot, right after Atlanta-style gospel singing. Where did you pick up your trills and runs? You seem pretty adept at that style. You definitely sound like a tenor, but I don't know specifically which particular one, maybe a lyric tenor?
If you are working on volume two, I'm not sure why you are listed as a "member" rather than enrolled. Maybe @nigel knows the answer to this question. He knows everything administrative :^)
Anyway, good job at getting up the nerve to start posting demos. That's what we've been needing to get rolling around here for a while, and now it seems to be catching on. Are you listening out there? Time to dust off your microphones and warm up the laptop or iphone and press "record" like chris here.
I know you've all been "meaning to get around to posting a demo some day". Well, some day is here. Let's get it on!
Good job, Chris. Keep the tunes coming!
Hi Chris,
I am currently in Barcelona Spain and it won't let me view these videos for some reason. (it says there is a problem please try back later). I will try to view this later and give you my thoughts.
Thank you very much!
Ken may or may not have been able to hear your samples. He's been in Spain the past week or so, and the internet service he's been experiencing has been, like the rain in Spain, mainly on the pain. I believe that's why we haven't heard much from him here in the very recent past. He will be back stateside soon, and with that, good old-fashioned high-speed internet service, just like they had back in the Wild, Wild West.
In the meantime, we hope he's having the time of his life in the beautiful Mediterranean climate. I'm pretty sure he's checking out all of the vocal legends along the way from Rome to Madrid!
He'll be checking back in with us when he gets a chance!
I still can't open the file.
Can you e-mail them to ktvainfo@gmail.com ?
Hey, chrisrs!
I think maybe you were having a bit of a hard time hearing the backing track or maybe locking into it. In this recording your pitch is drifting from the key of the music track.
I know that you have good pitch, because I've heard you do well on acapella, and you have a really good voice and a lot of control.
You will probably need to come up with a way of hearing your own miked voice in with the music on some decent headphones so you can zero in on the pitch of the backing tracks.
I'm serious, I think you've got a really good voice, but this recording doesn't do you justice, pitch-wise.
You also did very well at recovering and not being thrown off track when the phone started ringing!
I don't mean for this to sound discouraging at all. I think you have a great voice! Listen to what I'm talking about. If you make corrections and enable yourself to accurately track the pitch of the backing tracks, you will be able to put out some killer demos on youtube! It isn't enough to sound really good by yourself when singing with backing tracks. The whole has to fit together like a hand in a glove.
You'll work it out!
My best to you, my friend!
A couple of spots where I think the pitch is pitchy would be at 1:14 "very special" and at 1:17 and 2:09 the notes for "for me" are just a few cents off. It's not a wrong note, just not quite spot-on, with regard to pitch accuracy.
I like your runs and trills a lot. I also like your energy, you put off such good vibes when you are singing, you're fun to watch. The overall sound of your voice is pleasant to listen to.