Just bought the course

AliAli Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 67
Hello guys,

Just bought the pro package with weekend warrior. I'm a beginner to singing and want to become a good singer. I haven't received the email with the download links, but I just ordered it so it makes sense. I'm wondering is there anything I should do after purchasing the singing course? I haven't got a confirmation email or anything.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,387
    Hi, Ali! Welcome to KTVA!

    You've probably received your links by now. If not, you can send an email to ktvahelp@gmail.com and ask about it.
  • Hi Ali,

    Im a student just begining also. Everyone here is really helpful if you are having problems in a specific or all areas of the course.
    You will definitely learn how to sing with this program, and hopefully have as much fun as I am doing it. (even though it can be frustrating at times ha ha)

    Happy Singing, Tony
  • AliAli Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 67
    I have received the links and downloaded everything, I'm planning on starting the course tomorrow.

    Thanks for the responses
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