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Like A Stone (Halfway) Cover

Hello! I'm new here and I just wanted to get feedback on my current vocal progress. I just started singing about a year ago, but started doing scales and being serious about it in the past 4 months. I'm trying this song currently but I think there's a lot of technique, and progress that need to be made in order to improve my voice.


I'm planning to get the course after I get my gig pay.



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    You have a good start. You need to learn to compress and support your breath so that you can contain those higher parts without breaking up.
  • walkingwalkmanwalkingwalkman Member, 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 2
    highmtn said:

    You have a good start. You need to learn to compress and support your breath so that you can contain those higher parts without breaking up.

    Thanks for the feedback! I noticed that I have a pretty weak vocal/diaphragm support, but I breath using my tummy. I have little control when it comes to high compressed notes. KT said that in order to grow range healthily, one must grow his chest voice first, so I'm trying to do vocal warmup + chest exercise most of the week.

    Here is my 2nd attempt, but without belting, only my chest and head voice.


    What else is working and not working in this one? Thanks again, simple feedback like that really helps me analyze what I'm doing.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    You're reaching up to the higher notes a little late. It will sound better if you start out on pitch, by dropping down on the notes from behind, rather than stretching up to try to reach them.

    It's still a good start. You'll build better singing habits, one-by-one.
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