Short demo of my headvoice

Just a short demo of my headvoice (C#4 - E4).
Finally(?) learned to relax more properly and hold back the air. Does this sound ok?


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    This actually sounds more like it's your midvoice, more of a mixed sound.

    Can we hear some lah scales starting below this and going above this range?

    Typically for a lot of males, you will hit your primo passaggio somewhere below or above C4, and your secondo passaggio around F, F#, or G4.

    Your melody is all E4, D4, and C#4. Your head voice would normally not kick-in until about F4, at least.

    But you ARE above your primo passaggio, so you DO have to adjust your voice slightly to get into that space.

    So you still have head voice up above these notes you are using in the middle range.

    Nothing wrong at all with finding your mixed voice. It's just a terminology thing. Hold on to that thought and vocal configuration.
  • joacarjoacar Pro Posts: 16
    edited August 2017
    Thanx Highmtn :-)

    Yes You're right, "Headvoice" is not correct headline for the post . "Vowel modification-demo" is perhaps more accurate. This is the area where I've left the vowel-sound LAH (“It’s the Lah! Ah!) and use Aw (as in ‘loft’) instead. I.e this is the, for me, best area to start modify the vowels.

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Yes. This would be about where you would be arriving at aw (as in loft). You delay as much as you can, but when you need it, you bring it in.
  • joacarjoacar Pro Posts: 16
    edited August 2017
    here's a sample of a Lah-scale g3-->g4. Rapidly recorded... :-)
  • RawDreeGoRawDreeGo Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 77
    @joacar Hey Joakim, I heard your audio, I'm a student just like you, but it gives me the impression you are falling into what Ken calls a froggy way of singing, in my opinion it may be caused because you are reaching the top of your "chest"range... I see what @highmtn says about that being your midvoice

    In my friendly and humble advice would be for you to keep on finding the "sweetspots" for your head voice, so that your sound is brighter and doesn't sound like you are suffering through the song.... btw Sweet Child is a hard tune hahaha

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    In the new video sample, you are in chest the whole time, going into your upper mid chest voice.
  • joacarjoacar Pro Posts: 16
    Thanx for input :-)
    Ok. I need to dampen my larynx then I guess. Actually, I feel very relaxed in the first demo. No strain at all but it might sounds "froggy" anyway.
    And, I actually pass the vocal break at d4 at the same time I go from "Lah" to "Law". But perhaps one can call d4 - g3 as chestvoice anyway :-)

  • RawDreeGoRawDreeGo Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 77
    joacar said:

    Thanx for input :-)
    Ok. I need to dampen my larynx then I guess. Actually, I feel very relaxed in the first demo. No strain at all but it might sounds "froggy" anyway.
    And, I actually pass the vocal break at d4 at the same time I go from "Lah" to "Law". But perhaps one can call d4 - g3 as chestvoice anyway :-)


    I'm just trying to help ;) hehe thanks for reading
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