Chest Voice, Head Voice and Falsetto

Can you please clarify or where can I find information that describes the difference between Chest Voice, Head Voice and Falsetto?
When I do the audio exercises and I do with the ones where Ken Tamplin sings (not the piano only version), when Ken starts reaching the higher notes, they sound like Falsetto.
Please excuse my rudeness or my lack of knowledge, but I want to learn and I want to make sure I am doing them correctly.
Thank you,
Can you please clarify or where can I find information that describes the difference between Chest Voice, Head Voice and Falsetto?
When I do the audio exercises and I do with the ones where Ken Tamplin sings (not the piano only version), when Ken starts reaching the higher notes, they sound like Falsetto.
Please excuse my rudeness or my lack of knowledge, but I want to learn and I want to make sure I am doing them correctly.
Thank you,
You have two locations called the passaggio. One is between your chest voice and your mid voice. The next one is between your mid voice and your head voice.
The lower passaggio is your primo passaggio. Depending on whether you are Bass, Baritone, or Tenor (if male) your primo passaggio may be around B3 or C4 (middle C). You have to adjust your voice slightly there to keep going up in pitch, and that adjustment gets you into your middle voice.
At louder volumes, the middle voice is known as the "call voice" and is the slightly higher voice you would call out to someone if they were breaking into your car, down the street. Like "HEY YOU, GET AWAY FROM MY CAR!!!!" You are "calling out" in that voice.
A little higher up the scale, around E, F, or F#, you may have to adjust your voice again in order to keep going higher. That's the secondo passaggio, and it goes from call voice or mid voice into Head Voice.
Head voice is also sometimes called falsetto, but falsetto actually refers to a hooty or Flutey sound with a lot of air in it. You can close your vocal cords together to eliminate that excess of air, and then the sound becomes more "timbral", without the airy sound. That's head voice when you remove the excess air from falsetto. Both are still the same high voice, but one is airy and the other has a more timbral tone.
At the passaggi, if you shift abruptly, you will get a vocal break between the registers, also known as a yodel. You can learn to smooth that transition out and eliminate the tendency for the voice to break there. That is called "connecting" when you transition without a break.