Lucas Tanner here :)

DocsexyDocsexy Enrolled Posts: 14
edited August 2012 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF
Hello!!  My name is Lucas Tanner and I'm a chiropractor from the great state of Oklahoma!!  :D  Anyway, singing is a passion of mine and I'm on a quest to get my voice as good as it can get... I'm on Ken's 2nd CD of How To Sing Better Than Anyone Else..  I put my first video up on Youtube the other day and, as you can see (or hear), I don't quite have the audio set the way it should be...  It sounds pretty amateurish :(  Here it is if anyone wants to hear Howie Day's Collide..  Yes, the guitar sounds like crap because I don't have it miked and my voice cracks a tad on "light up again", but I'd still appreciate some feedback :)


  • DocsexyDocsexy Enrolled Posts: 14
    Oh and my bed isn't made :'(

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031


    I'm originally from Norman, so welcome to a fellow Oklahoman.

    Thanks for posting this demo.  It actually sounds fine, the mix is OK, and the recording quality is adequate. Sure, it doesn't sound like you went to Nashville to record it, but it's more than adequate for a vocal demo.

    I like your voice and your delivery is sincere.  You are conveying emotion with conviction.  Your pitch is good.  The sound of your voice is interesting and pleasing to listen to.  You are doing a good job.  Your demo does not sound amateurish to me.  You have a decent range. 

    Keep doing what you are doing, and stay with the program.  You will get stronger and more confident as you progress to Stage Three and keep hammering away at the exercises. 

    I'm looking forward to hearing more demos from you!


  • donmckindonmckin Enrolled Posts: 25
    Im ticky as all hell when it comes to peoples vocals and music in general.I can say with all honesty,you got a good voice.Keep it up!
  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    Great job!  You have great tone to your voice, almost sound like Keith Urban without the twang.  Like Bob said, keep working the program.  You have nice forward resonance, could open up a little more on your vowel, and relax the jaw a little more.  Overall, I think its a great place to start.
  • DocsexyDocsexy Enrolled Posts: 14
    I think this song displays my voice a little better...   Before I started Ken's DVDs I couldn't hit the high notes...http://youtu.be/OqkTDPG8rdU
  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    Wow, I thought I was the only person that new this song! It sounds pretty good, you could open up those vowels in the chorus. Bring in that ah vowel through blood, and money. You could also add an Eh sound to the end of money. Example-M(ah)N(Eh). That will open those higher notes up for you. Also, try and sing it as clean as possible. Make sure that the distortion isn't necessary to hit the note. Great work.
  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    Also, don't close down too much on the Ay vowel, as in the word change. Keep it more Eh as well.
  • DocsexyDocsexy Enrolled Posts: 14
    I kinda like the distortion :(   I see what you mean on the vowels though, I think...  I've noticed that I'm not a very technical singer..   Also, some of the notes on the chorus sound a little harsher due to the gain maxing out..  Thanks for the constructive criticism, though...  That's what I need to be better :)

  • ragnarragnar Pro Posts: 410
    The distortion sounds good mate no doubt about it. I think what Patrick is more so referring to - correct me if I'm wrong - is the dangerous path many rock-singers venture onto where the distortion becomes a type of crutch to get to the high notes. Many a singer has blown out his voice that way. I myself as an example have a certain type of rock'ish head-voice scream in the C-D5 area that sounds quite good, but I can feel it tearing up my vocal folds when doing it too much, so as a result i only ever do it for fun once or twice when jamming with friends.
     The safer way to do it is to be able to sing the note cleanly first and then gently add the distortion.

    But of course the key is to listen to what your voice is telling you. If you can keep singing for hours with that distortion and still not be tired/sore or dried out the following day it might be alright.
  • ragnarragnar Pro Posts: 410
    Oh and I forgot to add - my edit function does not work atm - good job on the song overall! really liked the sound of things.
  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    Oh yeah. Don't get me wrong, I like the distortion. Just saying to make sure wyou can do it safely and clean. Work ar keeping the throat open,Then add the distortion. I'm not saying not to do it, just make sure that it is an effect that you can take in and out. I'm a big fan of that rock sound, which is what drew me to KTVA. I've been working at that tone for awhile trying to do it safely so not to blow myself out during a show.
  • DocsexyDocsexy Enrolled Posts: 14
    For some reason it sounds a lot better live and amped...  Just seems to me like something is missing...
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031

    Sounds good, Doc.


    Good support, nice edge-of-the-cords sound.

    And thanks for making the bed. ;^)



  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    this sounds great man.  I really like the low end of your voice, its nice and bright.  The chorus sounds good too, but you could open up a little more.  Start with opening your mouth a bit more, just like in your exercises.  Then work at cutting back on those consonants. think of keeping that Lah(open throat) through that whole chorus.  Words like Admit, sing with an Eh sound instead of the I.  also on the line"i know that its going to take some time"  try this "I knah(slight ah sound in the Oh)that (eh)ts g(ah)nna take some t(ah)m.  i hope that makes sense.lol.  It should free you up on that chorus, and make it more relaxed for you to sing.  Great job.
  • donmckindonmckin Enrolled Posts: 25
    Yeah..Good job.I like it!
  • DocsexyDocsexy Enrolled Posts: 14
    Thank you...  I have a little trouble on the chorus getting the sound out of my throat..I try to get it up out of the throat so it can resonate in a mask in the front of the face, but rarely can I get it there...  When Daughtry sings it, he's got the clearest, prettiest timbre of anyone I've ever heard and I wish I could match that...  I really appreciate the input guys...  It's really helpful and keeps me aware of how I can better hit the notes with ease... :D
  • sspatricksspatrick Enrolled Posts: 1,278
    Your pretty close. It's a matter of more support, and keeping the throat open thought the phrases.
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