Home Booking Webcams with Ken Tamplin

General Question

TonyrTonyr Pro Posts: 28
Can you be a really good singer if you just do the KTVA course, but don't take any Skype or personal classes with Ken? Also, what if hypothetically I take a lesson with Ken but I am not a native English speaker?


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Most of the folks here are just doing the course at home and learning more here at the forums. Some will take a lesson or two with Ken. The course is designed to be self-sufficient.

    Ken works with people from all over the world. He is able to communicate with everyone he works with on skype. If you are familiar with his program, the AH vowel, and other things taught in KTVA, you will be able to communicate.
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