No falsetto (Help)

So I was wondering why I cant sing in falsetto. Every time I try to sing in Falsetto it breaks into G3, and yes, I am using my diaphragm. I could never sing in my head voice nor in mix voice. And are there any videos or exercises from Ken that can help me find my Falsetto. My chest voice is from A2-E4 sometimes F4. It would mean a lot if I could get help. Thanks in advance!
P.S - I'm a Beginner
P.S - I'm a Beginner
You can yawn and your larynx will normally go down. Another way is to talk like the cartoon character Yogi Bear. If you don't know what I mean, do a YouTube search on Yogi Bear, and listen to him talking to his sidekick, Boo Boo Bear. "Hey, hey, Boo Boo!" That voice is the voice character actor doing a lowered larynx. Also "Ed Norton" from The Honeymooners 1950's comedy show (Art Carney) also used that same voice sound for his character. If you make that sound, you will be lowering your larynx.