Panic! At The Disco - Death of a Bachelor
Please give me even more feedback. I totally need it! :-)
Please give me even more feedback. I totally need it! :-)
Your pitch is good. Your tone is good. The head voice parts could be reigned-in to fit more smoothly with the chest voice parts. You could work on getting your breath supported more so that the level changes aren't so extreme. You could de-emphasize the consonants a lot. That would smooth things out better.
Yeah, I'm not the best at recording. I'll work on that. I should get a pop filter so it helps a bit more. Along with the new microphone.
I could finally reach those C5's. Getting kind of excited. About my headvoice. I usually have a strong headvoice when I'm not phrasing words. How can I make it sound at the same power when phrasing the lyrics?
Thanks for the feedback,