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What does low or high humidity do to the voice?
I live in Michigan surrounded by fresh water, and it can get pretty humid here. In the summer, humidity levels get as high as 95%, and as low as 45%.
In the winter, it is usually 65% - 45%.

Peace, Tony


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Low humidity will dry you out and you have to drink a lot more water to stay hydrated. High humidiy can give you problems with sinus infections or mold. In the wintertime a lot of vocalists will run a humidifier to try to keep a little moisure in the air because of all the heaters going that dry everything out.
  • My sinuses are a big issue. That is basically why I asked about humidity. Right in the middle of singing (sometimes) my nose will just pour, and I have to wait a while until I get it back under control.

    Peace, Tony
  • Furious_PhilFurious_Phil Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,421
    I can speak to this as well, as I was born and raised at sea-level right by the Bay of Fundy (Atlantic), so my guitars and I were used to this. I had allot of sinus infections and breathing issues. Average humidity was between 50%-75% or higher.

    3 years ago I moved clear across the country to Alberta (Border of Montana for my American friends). The change was to an arid climate and a full kilometer higher in elevation!

    This took me about a year to adjust to, but now I don't get sick nearly as often, but I really have to hydrate myself as it ranges to a max of 40% humidity here in the summer and 20%-30% in the winter.
  • kylevox1987kylevox1987 2.0 PRO Posts: 39
    Just found this thread...I have an issue with humidity in my house ranging from 60-70% and above at times at the moment, which I know is a haven for dust mites which I'm allergic to! Looking at getting a dehumidifier to keep it under control 50% is the healthiest level so I hear. I seem to have issues with post nasal mucus / mucus on my cords etc at the moment so I'm guessing this is the cause guys?
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    @kylevox1987 have you tried using a neti pot? it really makes my seasonal allergies so much more bearable
  • kylevox1987kylevox1987 2.0 PRO Posts: 39
    @Klaus_T I have one called Neilmed Sinus Rinse if you've heard of that? Do you do it on a gig day? Or do you do it on non-singing days?
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    i do it for hayfever, so whenever i feel i need it, i do it. you can really do it anytime. i don't think it has any negative side-effects for singing, so it should be safe anytime
  • messi528messi528 Member Posts: 2
    I have read somewhere that a device which produces moisture in the air is very good for singing as it hydrates the vocal cords. But it said that it beneficial if used only for around ten minutes per day not more and you have to let your voice rest after using this device. Is it true? I have a problem with the humidity in my house as it is above 60-65% and I feel that my voice gets really heavy ( I cannot explain it but my voice loses flexibility and I have difficulty in doing runs ) . On the other hand the humidity in my previous home was 40-45% and I was feeling that my voice was in perfect condition. Please can you tell me if the constant HIGH humidity is not good for my voice? Because I really feel that. Everytime I get in my new house with constant high humidity my voice gets worse and I have recorded my vocals in these two houses ( after staying for hours in the 40-45% humidity house and after staying for hours in the 60-65% humidity house ) and in the first one my voice is much better, I hear it in the recording. Please tell me if the humidity is the problem or something else
  • virgilcrumb123virgilcrumb123 Member Posts: 5

    What does low or high humidity do to the voice?
    I live in Michigan surrounded by fresh water, and it can get pretty humid here. In the summer, humidity levels get as high as 95%, and as low as 45%.
    In the winter, it is usually 65% - 45%.

    Peace, Tony

    I find when I intake cold Canadian air, I feel more energized. I think it's partially a humid kind of wetland air, but always you want to keep a high water level in the body!

    Sweating in some environment is never a good position to be performing in I'd say.
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