Hello everyone!

My name is John. I'll be 62 in Dec 2017 and I've always been told I can NOT sing. So I bought Weekend Warrior for myself to see if I CAN learn to sing! I am having a bit of trouble totally understanding the diaphramic breathing. Am I doing it right if my chest does NOT rise and my belly gets bigger? I'm still NOT sure how to put all those elements together. But I AM excited and just from what I have seen, I THINK this WILL be the HELP I need to learn to sing BETTER than I ever have before. Thanks for any and ALL suggestions!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    edited November 2017
    Your belly should go out as you breathe in. (that makes room for your diaphragm to come down). Then as you sing, your belly comes in, slowly, until the scale is done. You should hold your chest stationary, at about 3/4 full, like a reserve tank that you never access. This expanded chest should not rise and fall as your belly does the work. It just stays expanded and suspended, keeping the weight of the ribcage OFF of the lungs as you do your belly breaths.
  • ventureajoeventureajoe Member Posts: 9
    Thank you very much highmtn!
  • ventureajoeventureajoe Member Posts: 9
    Hey Bob, I have another quick ? for u. I went thru weekend warriors watching all the videos, then I now practice all the Thor workouts Once or twice a day. I also plan on watching one or two videos of WW each day. So far, it's been a couple days My voice is still BAD, but I FEEL like it may be working. I KNOW u want me to buy the complete course, but IF I just do this with WW, will my voice get better? Thanks a lot!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    I don't know what you mean by your voice "still feels bad". ?? Why does your voice feel bad? Nothing in the course should make your voice feel bad. Don't do the exercises too loudly, and don't go any higher than you are able to go without straining. You should not be doing anything that would make your voice feel bad.
  • ventureajoeventureajoe Member Posts: 9
    No Bob, my voice still SOUNDS bad! LOL. When I do the exercises, my voice feels GREAT. I just sound bad.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Your transformation into a better singer has just begun. First you learn. Then you practice. Then you keep practicing for a long time. Slowly but surely you will begin to sound better. When you plant seeds, mature plants do not instantly materialize. You have to embed new muscle-memory and learn skills that require practice. Changes will come, but growth takes time.
  • ventureajoeventureajoe Member Posts: 9
    Thanks Bob. Would the change happen FASTER with the complete course? Or will it happen JUST as fast as I keep practicing the Weekend Warrior exercises? Thanks.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    No, the change won't happen faster with the complete course. The change would be much more complete, because Weekend Warrior is an overview of singing. The complete course is much more thorough, and includes a lot more information and training.
  • ventureajoeventureajoe Member Posts: 9
    By "more complete" what do u mean? Bigger range and pitch? Able to hit higher notes?
  • Furious_PhilFurious_Phil Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,421
    Perhaps another wording might be that the complete course contains the "full-on foundation" with exhaustive explanations and demonstrations... basically the full compliment of all of the the bells and whistles that will keep you busy developing yourself for quite some time.

    In other terms, WW is the food samples you get at Costco, the actual course is the full meal you buy once you realize that the food sample was delicious and you want it to be a part of your life :wink:
  • ventureajoeventureajoe Member Posts: 9
    Interesting analogy Phil. Thanks!
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