Home Ken Tamplin's Corner

New 2.0

konajckonajc Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 6
Because I like the pro course I have so much, I thought it would be great to get the new material. Is there any chance of a special pricing for those of us who already have the course. I would like DVD's or USB. Thanks , ---John---


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Follow this link. Read the message. Use the link in the message if you want to order it. There is a very generous special price for those who already own the original KTVA, and it ends on January 1.

  • konajckonajc Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 6
    Sounds like that's what I had in mind, but I don't see the link you mention.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited December 2017
    Here you go, @konajc

    Here is the email that all of you who are existing students of KTVA should have recieved:

    I just launched a brand new course.
    And though it’s going to eventually retail at $849…
    And the launch special is $349…
    I’m offering YOU a copy for $69. Because you’re already a part of the KTVA family (i.e. you bought my old course!)
    I’ve put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this thing. 4 years’ worth. And it has…
    ...MORE content (300% more content)
    ...MORE quality (high quality video)
    ...MORE formats (USB, DVD, Download, and streaming), and
    ...MORE kick-butt-ness. WAY more kick-butt-ness.
    …and as a way of saying “THANK YOU”... for choosing to be a part of our family in the past… for buying my old course… for investing long hours into YOUR voice already…
    I’m giving you a download copy of my brand-new $849 course for $69.
    No catch.
    **You qualify if**
    If you purchased all 3 volumes of my old course, you qualify for this deal.
    If you purchased my old Pro Bundle, you can download my new course for even LESS… just $49.
    If you purchased any of my other products (Weekend Warrior, just Volume 1, just Volume 2, or both Volume 1 & 2 but NOT Volume 3)... you can still download my new course at a steep discount—for $199.
    **How to take advantage of this deal**
    1. Send an email to ktvahelp@gmail.com
    2. For the subject line, write: “KTVA VERSION 2.0 UPGRADE”
    3. Copy and paste your receipt into the body of the emai

    4. Include the text, “Ken, you’re totally awesome!!!” in the email. Just kidding ;-)
    5. We’ll take it from there
    We’ll be doing this for lots of people - so it may take my team a couple days to get back to you with further instructions. Our apologies!
    **Please note**
    All upgrade sales are final! No refunds please!
    **To learn more about my new course**
    Go here. https://KenTamplinVocalacademy.com/ NOTE: This is just to see. Use the instructions above to Place your ORDER.
    **And finally**
    This deal ends on December 31, 11:59pm!
    So don’t sit on your hands and forget about this one :-)
  • konajckonajc Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 6
    Thanks! I never got that email. I'm gonna upgrade now!
  • P.pandersP.panders Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 3
    I really want to order the DVD/CD version 2.0 as well! I checked with the KTVA team and it sounds like the special for those who already own may be only for the download version. The DVD/CD version works best for me, however, so I'll probably upgrade though its a bit more expensive though worth every penny I'm sure! Bob, do you have a sense for where the greatest improvements in version 2.0 are? Stretching chest and building strength and tone through the bridge and into head are my main areas to improve, so more exercises in those areas would be great.

    All of your insights and explanations throughout the Forum are so helpful and valuable - this is my first comment on the Forum - thanks so much! Pete
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    You'll find that some of the instructions on stretching chest are in the new manuals. What is also helpful is that there are prompts on the lesson screens that let you know the base note of each scale. So, especially for a non-musician, you may be able to better track where you are beginning to top out or where you need to modify. In other words, you may start on a G scale, then G#, then A, etc. It's easy to kind of be "lost in a continuum of scales". But with the prompts, you can take note and say "I need to concentrate on the Bb, the B, and the C scales, or know when to stop as you reach your limits. You'll be able to measure your progress a little better with that info. "Hey, I'm sounding better and more relaxed up on the B4 today!" or "Man, that G4 always gets me! What am I doing wrong there?" Or prepare yourself "here comes that A scale. Darn! Messed it up. I'm going to back up the playback and do that one until I get it right."

    I work strictly with downloaded files from my computer. When I first bought the program I got DVD's but I have it on my computer now, and never bother with the DVD's. I made backups, so I don't worry about "what if my computer crashes?" You have more vowel exercises in 2.0 so that gives you more variations to work with, both on bridging and on stretching chest.

    2.0 is just a more in-depth program. Ken went through the forums posts and found what people were asking the most questions about and made the new program with the goal of making it more understandable and complete. The order is well thought-out, and the end result is more thorough understanding, so that you will better be able to retain the information and put it to good use in your singing life.
  • P.pandersP.panders Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 3
    Thanks Bob! Much appreciated. I use the program during my lengthy commute each day and work long hours, so the CDs are the best way for me to leverage the program as much as possible. On and above my bridge are particularly challenging while playing guitar, so knowing where in the scale to add repetitions sounds like a great insight.

    Looking forward to 2.0! Pete
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited December 2017
    One thing you may appreciate about 2.0 is that as an added learning tool, the AUDIO from some of the VIDEO lessons has been included as mp3 files, so you can listen to these when you commute or exercise, go on walks, etc. to "burn" this info more deeply into memory. They can also be used alongside your daily vocal workouts to make up a part of your "hour per day" of chest-stretching or bridging.
  • P.pandersP.panders Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 3
    That is awesome! Thanks so much!
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