Hello Everybody

ParadoxParadox Member, STREAMING PRO Posts: 1
Hi my name is Larry and I am here just to do something I always wanted to do. Learn to feel comfortable singing. I mean I know I sound good in the shower but want the confidence to spit out a tune in a social setting. I am turning 60 in a month and this has always been a dream, not to be on stage..those days are past but to just sing because I love music. I have search the net and listened to all the others instructors out there fairley and honestly but none have given my the confidence to believe I could achieve what I dreamed was possible before I found Ken's site..I truly believe he has the gift,desire,passion, and talent to mold his students into a better sound then the squeaks and groans that emanated for them now. So this is why I here..I feel I found my mentor...And I have given fair consideration to very many offers out there. Hope to become a worthy student. Thank You.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,386
    We agree you made the best choice, @Paradox. We all made that choice some time ago. You'll get back from the course in proportion to the time, focus, and effort you put in. It works!


  • bentkbentk Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,650
    You made the right choice with KTVA!

    The forum is a great help, and really helped me understand the material better. There was always an answer when i got frustrated with something.


    All the best,

  • My situation is similar to yours in the manner that I'm older, always wanted to sing but never did. The only difference is that I am trying to sing professionally.

    I don't think people realise what they are buying with this course. I've been amazed from day one at what this is doing for my vocal abilities.
    This course is a life changer if you want it to be. I just wish this was around when I was a younger man. My life would definitely be different if that were the case.

    You'll get out what you put in. There is some work involved, but worth every breath I've practiced.

    Good luck to you, and happy singing.

    Peace, Tony

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