Hey KTVA Singers!!!

I'm Charles. I'm 47 years old and live in the Toronto area with my family. Lover and student of music since I was 6 years old. I've played a variety of instruments and spent many years DJing local events and private parties. I'm done with nightclub scene and decided to focus my attention on my guitar playing and singing. I've tried different vocal coaches in the past but never really saw the results or gained the confidence I was looking for. I tried out for 3 bands last year. Though I got some very positive feedback, I wasn't enough to lead a band - yet. There's something missing in my voice. So I have two goals this year 1) find or start a hard rock/blues band and 2) do an open mic acoustic set. I got myself Ken Tamplin's streaming course to get me going. I'm in my second week and already feeling a difference in my practicing. Looking forward to learning from other singers and getting feedback on my progress. Rock on!!!
Be sure to follow these directions to get more from the forums: http://forum.kentamplinvocalacademy.com/discussion/6859/how-to-get-access-to-the-ktva-student-areas-of-the-forums#latest
You need to be able to access the student areas of the forums.
Be sure to use the forum when you have any questions or whatever, you can learn a lot here. I sure did.
All the best,
If you're noticing differences already, buckle up! Somewhere around the 6-12 month mark, the magic will start to become instantly noticable to those around you
After that you refine what you've developed and start to become one of "Those guys" ... the ones that people actually stop what they are doing and listen to.
Welcome aboard mate!