Fire away!

So this is where I´m at. I bought the course on 18 of October. Still on volume one. I can say that I feel more comfortable singing this song in A major than I did a couple of months ago. I´ve been told I need to focus on pingyness. I´m tryin´. I work volume one for head and chest most every day, and I will continue doing that (I slacked off during the Holidays though). Anything else I should be focusing on for now? I´m mainly looking for constructive feedback with this video. I find it challenging to keep the throat real open through all the consonant sounds. How do I make my voice strong and clear as fast as possible? So I can start adding more oomph to my sound and not sound so pretty and soft all the time.
Do you plan on recording any of your own songs in the future?
On to your question. I don't know how the mods would feel about this but, Glottal compression (holding back air) is the key I think you're looking for. You seem to have all the fundamentals down, but like you said, you just need that ummpphhh.
You've only been in the course a short time, but your voice sounds like it's ready for a next step.
That would be my suggestion, but I'm not the professional here so take it for what it's worth.
Peace, Tony
I don't think I really know how to do glottal compression, but that sounds like it might be great for this occasion. Thanks for the insight. It sounds very intriguing! I hear it's in one of the later volumes, and I'm really looking forward to learning about it! Last time I talked to highmntn (spelling?) he said I should do volume one a bit longer and grow the pingy/bright tone and get some nice consistency. I really appreciate your comment. I will work my ass off with volume one, and as soon as one of the mods says go on I will devour volume two.
Onwards, comrades! To singing glory!
I just skimmed through about 6 of your songs. They are really good, you should be recording them in a studio or in a controlled environment. I like them a lot.
And that is indeed the best approach, to get the fundamentals. You seem to have come a long way in just 7 months. I hope you get the better of those dreaded lip rolls, but you will be great in either case.
If I was a tourist, or just in the area you were performing, I would probably sit, and watch the whole performance. It takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there like that, and entertain people. I have much respect for one guy, one guitar.
Peace, Tony
I'm not sure how it is in Denmark, but do you need to purchase permits to perform on public streets? Here where I'm at you need one
Peace, Tony
Don't they light that place up at night?