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What are some good ways for getting pumped up and ready for practice when you're feeling tired?

I do my ktva vocal runs every day, but I often feel tired before I even start. And the exercises themselves are pretty draining physically as well. I'm not here to nag, I just want to know your ideas for this. When you're pretty burnt out after a long day, and part of you want to just chill out, what do you do to make sure you reach your practice goals?


  • MoftemMoftem Enrolled Posts: 114
    edited January 2018
    I've only done dedicated singing practice like this for about 6 months (ktva for nearly 3 of those months). Whereas with playing guitar and other instruments, I have been able to practice many hours a day with breaks in between, but with vocal exercises like these, I am about ready to fall over after a couple of hours max. I know this will get better as the muscles used for proper singing develop and I gain more singing stamina. I guess right now I'm just trying to mitigate my exhaustion so I can develop quickly.
  • I get like that too. What I do is think about the end result, and know in order to get there, this is what is required.
    All of your hard work is going to pay off in the long run. You just have to visualize it, and keep pushing.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    You will find the energy when you start looking at your exercises as a reward instead of as a punishment. See them as the doorway for you to sing with greater and greater ease, and to get greater and greater denominations of cash dropped into your tip jar.

    Make sure you reward yourself with a day or two per week to "play hookey" from your vocal practice. Then come back with a refreshed perspective.

    Look forward to your vocal practices.

    Force yourself to do 20 minutes practice, at least 5 days per week. Once you have spent about 20 minutes at it, you will want to keep doing what you are working on. Sometimes it's hardest just to get started.
  • bentkbentk Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,650
    Just starting is usually the best. Even if you get in 30 minutes, it's better than 0 minutes. Also remember that focused practice is much better than just blasting through the exercises without much though. That will also help you locate weak points if there are any.

    What also works for me, when time is a little more tight, i set apart about an hour if i can. Then i simply fill the first 25 minutes or so with bridging, and the other 25 with chest stretching. Nowadays i add a few head voice exercises, but you get the point. That way, you effectively fill an hours time, with a few little breaks. I like to take a small break, 5 minutes or so between my bridging/head voice exercises and chest exercises.

    When that hour has passed, it feels like you have done a lot, and you have.
    I know this sounds very logical and all, but it can help with your mindset. It helps you stay effective with time, whilst putting everything into perspective. It will, for sure, be a valuable hour. If you feel energised after that, you can also sing some songs, but that is not needed of course.

    All the best,

  • rickyogimarickyogima 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 69
    I'm glad you posted this because I have the same frustration. The singing part of me wants to sing some songs and after the scales I'm done for the day, lol.

    Even my speaking voice has been reduced and for a person who's always singing and talking it's been a challenge to not sing or talk. I'm glad to know that this hard work of building a solid foundation can be used in the future. I know that after a lot of practice I have been slowly moving into longer vocal endurance.

    As well, we can carry a lot of this into our elderly years - at what age do we start deteriorating I'm not sure?
  • bentkbentk Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,650
    You start deteriorating in your early 20s, biologically speaking. Hallmarks of ageing start to arise, which can be seen on a cellular level.

    But hey, who cares? It's not important. It's pretty much never too late to pick up a skill or a hobby, or both. people over 60 start learn to become great singers with KTVA. Even Ken himself is not that young anymore. Just proves how the maintenance and growth of your voice is so important.

    All the best,

  • Furious_PhilFurious_Phil Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,421
    For me I just don't want to suck anymore!
    I want more of those knowing looks that people give you when you hit the money notes! I have tasted it now, so its hard to settle for less than that.
    Nowadays, Its a little like a cool habit that fuels the need for more the more you feed it. I totally look forward to my voice time, maybe even more than my guitar time :o
    My new motto: " Practice like you're the worst, Perform like you're the BEST!"
  • MoftemMoftem Enrolled Posts: 114
    I really love reading all your answers! Thank you so much. They provide great encouragement and new perspectives. Some day I will sing like Chris Stapleton. I just have to conquer my recurring exhaustion. I really appreciate you people. I'm glad to be part of this community.
  • rickyogimarickyogima 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 69
    What amazes me how this guy taught himself to sing like Freddie

  • MoftemMoftem Enrolled Posts: 114
    edited January 2018

    What amazes me how this guy taught himself to sing like Freddie


    Marc Martel is a huge ****. In a good way. He blows my mind. I love his rendition of "I will always love you" that he plays on a rooftop somewhere. It's on Youtube.

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