Any DAW Suggestions for recording

Hello everyone, I just ordered a focus-rite interface and have been researching DAW software to work with. At the moment I have Pro Tools first. I do know that Pro Tools is the way to go, but find it way too advanced for a beginner like myself. I had just researched a software called, "Mixcraft Pro Studio" and was wondering if anyone has used it before? I have watched a few tutorials of it and it seems simple enough. If anyone can give some insight, I would highly appreciate it. I figured a simple DAW would suffice until I have become more proficient with using DAW software.
Peace, Tony
It's also a sampler, and an interface unit you can use with your computer which is pretty cool, but using it on a computer is much more complicated for me. The unit itself is very easy to operate.
Activate your track, set up the parimeters, hit record, and play. Done!
As far as the DAW software for the computer goes, both cubase, and sonar operate almost identical from what I can remember.
The cool thing about computer recording for me is the VST plug ins. Some of the wind instruments sound really authentic, and cool.
Peace, Tony
PS - Most DI's come with a complimentary DAW of some sort I think??
I tried a copy of Mixcraft Home (which was on sale for $7 at Best Buy and I couldn't pass it up) briefly, and while I use it sometimes for auditioning VSTs in a pinch, it isn't quite as intuitive for me personally. It really comes down to learning the particular product, since they're all mainly tools that do the same thing. I'm sure with enough practice, it's just as capable as any other. When I first tried out Ableton, it seemed cumbersome compared to FL Studio. Now that I'm used to Ableton, FL seems cumbersome.
With that being said, if you have access to Pro Tools, I'd recommend just biting the bullet and learning that. Even though it's the industry standard and has a lot of complex functionality, it's also something that you can grow with time. Learn the basics, try out a few more things, look at tutorials if you want to do something with your track that you don't currently know, and repeat. You'll have to do that with Mixcraft anyway, and if you eventually decide to transition to Pro Tools or another product you'll have to start at least some of the learning process over again since they're all a little different.
I am on Mac since 10 years and would like to throw another one in the game - to be true two! - With macOS you get a very cool Application for free: Garage Band. It is a free version of the DAW Logic OS X. And you are able to do a lot of things with it.
Soon as I tried to get that radio-ready sound out of my DAW it noticed that it is craftsmanship as singing is. You have to practice a lot.
So i would suggest that you try to learn all the shortcuts on your DAW (Pro Tools Lite) and train you ears.
Maybe this one will encourage you:
With a warm Welcome from Germany,