Hey guys! I have some wierd dryness??
2.0 PRO Posts: 193
Hey everybody!
So I've had this fairly substantial head and throat cold the past few days, which hasn't actually affected my singing too much that I've noticed until today. Today I woke up, and at first could barely even talk, but after I cleare up a bit, I noticed that although I could sing and wasn't real handicapped, my voice is kinda dry and sctratchy? When I'm singing, even if I compress there's still some airy, scratchy kimd of sound (although I'm still not the greatest at compressing:0). So I'm just a bit curious about whether or not I should be concerned about this being a problem? Or if I could just work it off? If anyone would happen to know, I'd appreciate it very much:D
And also, as I've been saying, I was planning on purchasing a lesson, which I was thinking maybe could have been this week, but when I went to the website, it turns out the lesson prices have changed to $300, as opposed to the previous $190:/. $300 may be a bit pricy, in which case I would either have to get a half hour lesson or save up for a full hour. I was wondering if anyone who has had lessons may hve some input as to to which may be best?
Thanks so much!:D