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Is it possible to deepen the voice, and if so, how?

Hello all, I've been practicing KT's volumes, and all seem to be focused on expansion toward higher octaves. I'd also like to hit lower octaves, like my idol, Axl Rose, who has gotten as low as F1. I'm worried that this is impossible, however, and is truly limited to natural gifts. Is this so, and if not, what exercises can I do to deepen my voice as well?

Thanks in advance for any advice!!


  • The lowest register vocal I know of by Axel would be "Patience". That's probably where I would start, but as far as exercising, you can use the piano only scales to sing in any octave of your choice.

    Peace, Tony
  • Furious_PhilFurious_Phil Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,421
    Lowering your lowest notes is not that unlike stretching your highs. I would use a descending scale to see where your lowest phonated note lies, and write that down.
    From there, it is a matter of hydrating and relaxing the vocal cords in order to allow them to access lower and lower notes. Each time you hit a lower one (and continue to hit it) there is a muscle memory that will eventually kick in.
    There is no secret sauce or fast track to developing your range (in either direction)... just focused work and consistency.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    You can deepen the tone of your voice if you lower your larynx.

    If you want to know how to lower your larynx, do a YouTube search on Yogi Bear. Then imitate the sound of Yogi's voice. That is the sound of a low larynx. You may want to lower your larynx a little bit when trying to sing lower songs and scales.

    Also, if you find your larynx rising when you sing high notes, you can lower your larynx, again with the Yogi sound, to get the larynx more centered.
  • MoftemMoftem Enrolled Posts: 114
    I do agree that this academy seems pretty focused on building upwards. I know it´s just practice practice regardless, but I wonder if there are applicable vowel mods when you´re singing deep notes. Or something you should change in relation to chord closure or anything else you should know.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    It's important to maintain a bright tone, even at your lowest notes. The brightness helps you to better discern proper pitch, which can be hard to determine, the lower you go. You also need to hold a very steady breath stream down low. Low notes take more air, and it can get shaky if you don't hold very steady air support.
  • AlyonaAlyona Member, Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 286
    Yes I agree - breath really helps
  • IsaiahGIsaiahG 2.0 PRO Posts: 21
    I know I'm a bit late to this but I came across some advice that might help.
    I had a chance to get some advice from an oktavist (someone who sings in the first octave on a regular basis with enough power to shake a room) and he said what helps the most is to find the lowest note that you have that you are also able to "blast with resonance" (for me this would be E2).

    Once you have found the note you have to practice "blasting" with that note and a few of the notes around it (for me this is C2, D2, F2, and G2) for about an hour a day. This will cause the sound to deepen and thicken. If you are doing it correctly, your vocal cords should feel sore the next morning (not in a bad way, but in the way that your muscles would feel sore after a workout).

    I noticed after one day of practice that my D2 was more resonant than it had been before, so I have faith that this should work.

    I hope this helps you out!

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