Hi. I could use some help finding a proper studio voice

JJ_ScottJJ_Scott Member Posts: 2
edited February 2018 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF
I'm in a peculiar situation and could use some help. I'm recording a cd with a rock band, but am struggling to convert the knowledge I've learned from taking voice lessons - learning to sing "properly" - and get them to work with the music. They either sound dull, too "classical", or I shift gears and sing aggressively. This works, but it tires me out, and it's not how I normally sing. It's like a nightmare.
I've listened to some singers in the same genre that I really like, and tried to understand what they're doing, so I can work up a natural approach that works with my own voice. Does anyone have any advice on a good way to bridge these disparate musical styles into cohesive whole that is healthy and works?

Private messaging would be great. I fear that if I don't figure this out quickly I may get punted from this dream gig.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    edited February 2018
    Getting to that sound that you want and need isn't just a matter of a little bit of advice. It's actually learning the methods that create that sound in a sustainable way, and growing your voice over time to be able to support that sound, long-term. There are a lot of definitions of what is "proper" but unfortunately, many of those are just somebody out to make a buck, without substantive methodology to back it up.

    Our advice would be to learn what we're all learning. But it's a journey, not an instant fix. Using aggressive sounds without the means to safely sustain it is a recipe for eventual vocal disaster. Most vocal methods don't even come close to training you for modern popular vocal production.

    The Tamplin method does get you there, but you have to start at the beginning and put the pieces together, regardless of whom or for how long you have studied in the past. If you have seen any of Ken's videos, then you know the varied types of music he can sing and sustain with his voice, even for years at a time.

    That's what we're all working on.

    Don't just stop by and run. We'll still be here. See why everybody is sticking around.

    All the best!

  • bentkbentk Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,650

    I would just like to emphasize what Bob already told you. Many people here will tell you the same.
    This is something for the long run. Everyone here can testify to that. It takes a lot of effort, time and patience. However, the forum is a great place for any help you might need. I wouldn't have come so far without the forum.

    All the best,

  • JJ_ScottJJ_Scott Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2018
    Thanks for the feedback. I'd love to spend the time, but I simply don't have it. I need this fixed yesterday hahaha.

    Here's where I'm at. I've been doing the high notes (2:43) for a long time. But... I like Roy Kahn and Rob Lowe's vocal approach, and think that would work better. And I'd like to improve this style.

    Any things to keep in mind would be tremendously helpful.

  • I can only tell you what I hear so take it for what it's worth.

    It sounds like you're over compressing. The reason I say that is because at the end of some, if not most of your lines, it sounds sticky, punchy. There's no roll off of the note. It ends abruptly.

    Other than a few pitchy spots it was pretty good.

    Peace, Tony
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