Have you seen Whiplash?

Hi Everyone, I'm an old guy recently retired and going back to my previous existence as a hippy musician. The "Whiplash" title is in reference to my choir instructor when I was 11.
I always enjoyed singing, my mother and aunts always were singing, so I joined the choir in school. The choir master was a failed opera singer, who I think might have had a problem with alcohol. I never got a chair thrown at me, but I got the strap for various issued like "being disrespectful" and was told repeatedly I would never amount to anything, and I was not living up to my potential. Although I kept singing just to spite him, I was turned off formal instruction and most authority figures for many years.
As a young man I went through several different rock/pop bands playing keyboards and singing backup. I always thought I wasn't good enough to sing lead, or if so only occasionally. I did get to work with some great singers, and learned about arranging harmonies, but the realities of making a living through music alone, had me going back to school and pursuing a different career for the rest of my working years.
Now that I'm retired I've been going to a lot of jams, and started singing lead because that's the way I get to play what I want. I've been getting better, and I thought maybe I can improve my singing beyond my childhood programming.
I came across Ken's stuff on you tube, loved his energy and began to think, maybe I can be the vocalist I really want to be.
I've just started volume 1, and I already can hear a difference. I know from experience "It don't come easy" so I'm ready to put some work in and see where it goes.
I always enjoyed singing, my mother and aunts always were singing, so I joined the choir in school. The choir master was a failed opera singer, who I think might have had a problem with alcohol. I never got a chair thrown at me, but I got the strap for various issued like "being disrespectful" and was told repeatedly I would never amount to anything, and I was not living up to my potential. Although I kept singing just to spite him, I was turned off formal instruction and most authority figures for many years.
As a young man I went through several different rock/pop bands playing keyboards and singing backup. I always thought I wasn't good enough to sing lead, or if so only occasionally. I did get to work with some great singers, and learned about arranging harmonies, but the realities of making a living through music alone, had me going back to school and pursuing a different career for the rest of my working years.
Now that I'm retired I've been going to a lot of jams, and started singing lead because that's the way I get to play what I want. I've been getting better, and I thought maybe I can improve my singing beyond my childhood programming.
I came across Ken's stuff on you tube, loved his energy and began to think, maybe I can be the vocalist I really want to be.
I've just started volume 1, and I already can hear a difference. I know from experience "It don't come easy" so I'm ready to put some work in and see where it goes.
Keep it a happy adventure, but understand that Rome was not built in a day.
And don't fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others, rather, develop yourself into the best version of your "singer-self"!
This course has all the building blocks, in strategic order to get you there, safely!
So when you're ready for the deep-dive into the full-on course, get ready for the magic!