It's kind of distracting how much the different clips have different recording qualities. Some clips are clear and others are very harsh. It's important to learn consistency and have that be part of the sound throughout the song.
I can't speak for Bob, but it seems like your voice was fatiguing toward the end of the verses, and in the beginning of each verse your voice sounds fresh. That creates a big contrast leading from one verse to the next. Just try smoothing the transition a bit when you punch in your vocals in a non linear fashion. (I sometimes do the same thing if its a demanding vocal)
I do notice that you are getting better, but I would still like to hear you add more weight to the sound of your vocal because you still sound a bit too nasally. I get that you may have to sing that way at the moment until you get better control of things, but yeah, sounding a lot better these days.
When are you going to break down, and get into this course? Within a year you could be a dynamo singer.
Thanks a ton for the feedback @videoace. Thanks, I feel like I am getting better as well, this was definitely one of the more challenging songs. What do you mean exactly by adding ''more weight''?
By more weight I mean to sing with more of a mixed voice than all head voice. Get some of that chest sound in there with it. I'm sure you feel the sound more in your head than in your chest. Try to balance the two for a more broader heavy sound. It will take some time to figure out, but like everything else here....practice, practice, and more practice.
Steven Tyler has a very unique voice. I can't give you all the tech details, but this song in particular is hard to sing. For me anyway. You ask if he has good technique? He's been singing since he was a kid, and still going strong so......
I've tried singing quite a few Aerosmith tunes, and so far "Remember (Walking In The Sand)" has been the hardest. I would say that his best vocals were done in the 80s when they all went dry (no booze, drugs)
That one definitely sounded better, and sounded like you may have even had a little fun doing it.
You still have to watch those punch in's with your vocals. The best way to transition into a punch in is to sing the line before you come in also. That way your throat will be hopefully in the same position as when you stopped the previous vocal. Make sense?
And yes @videoace you are correct, I had a ton of fun doing it. Getting to sing this in a similar style to Tyler's is pretty darn fun, It was also fun to see how everything fits together, and now I see why this song is hard. But I had to go for it.
The voice doesn't sound clear?
I do notice that you are getting better, but I would still like to hear you add more weight to the sound of your vocal because you still sound a bit too nasally. I get that you may have to sing that way at the moment until you get better control of things, but yeah, sounding a lot better these days.
When are you going to break down, and get into this course? Within a year you could be a dynamo singer.
Peace, Tony
Thanks, I feel like I am getting better as well, this was definitely one of the more challenging songs.
What do you mean exactly by adding ''more weight''?
And hopefully I'll get the course soon.
Peace, Tony
How hard would you say this song is?
What's the note at 3:44? And does Steven Tyler have a good technique?
You ask if he has good technique? He's been singing since he was a kid, and still going strong so......
I've tried singing quite a few Aerosmith tunes, and so far "Remember (Walking In The Sand)" has been the hardest.
I would say that his best vocals were done in the 80s when they all went dry (no booze, drugs)
You still have to watch those punch in's with your vocals. The best way to transition into a punch in is to sing the line before you come in also. That way your throat will be hopefully in the same position as when you stopped the previous vocal. Make sense?
Peace, Tony
Getting to sing this in a similar style to Tyler's is pretty darn fun,
It was also fun to see how everything fits together, and now I see why this song is hard. But I had to go for it.