Transitioning from 2.0 volume 1 to volume 2

ZZZZgirlZZZZgirl Member, STREAMING PRO Posts: 1
Hello! I have completed volume 1 of 2.0, and was reading the volume 2 manual before I get started. I noticed a lot of things in the manual that I don't see in the actual lessons, i.e. piano audio workout, vibrato, and others. All I see is Lessons pt. 1, student demonstrations, and audio workouts, pro. None of these audio lessons contain the above mentioned topic. I don't see a piano guided workout either. I'm a newbie, so I may be missing something. Is there another part to this? I notice they all say part 1. Hmmmmm...


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    First of all, you get student access to the forums so you can see the student areas of the forums. Follow these directions. At least you have an account here, but it's not upgraded to student status.

    Follow the instructions in this link: http://forum.kentamplinvocalacademy.com/discussion/6859/how-to-get-access-to-the-ktva-student-areas-of-the-forums#latest

    If You're on Streaming, you'll be getting part 1 of each item. Then the next month you'll get part 2 of each of these items. The same applies to the Audio workouts. It depends on which package you subscribed to, exactly how much content you get each month and how far it takes you. Don't get in too big of a hurry. What grows your voice is continuing to do the program for an extended period of time.

    So if you're on streaming, just keep doing the exercises that you have. Re-watch the lessons. You'll be repeating (Practicing) lots of things as the course progresses. So you probably haven't "Finished" Volume 1 yet.
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