Hey, what's up?! RnB singer - to be

dsaduraldsadural Member, STREAMING Volume 1 Posts: 1
Hey guys, my name is Danny. I am fairly young (19 years old), but I have always been singing my favorite songs since I could remember. I love singing so much, that I sing almost all the time, in my room, in the shower, with my girlfriend, and I even find myself singing in public like on a bus or in class (quietly, but still singing). I've gotten pretty confident in my own singing voice, without any training at all. But I know I can achieve so much more with this course, which is why I've decided to start. I also know that this will be a process, and understand the time needed to achieve great results.

I know of some friends and cousins who tried vocal lessons, but they eventually stopped because of time and/or money. To me, neither of those are really an obstacle for me to live the life I want. I hold a vision of myself where I just sing effortlessly and passionately with family and friends, and even in front of crowds. It's just a part of who I know I can be. And I'm sure with anyone else who dreams, they will find a way. Even if it takes time, we always find a way :).

I pretty much only vibe to RnB songs, a lot from the 2000's (my childhood jaja) and some from the present. My biggest inspiration for singing is Chris Brown, who's first album pretty much had me singing all day when I was a kid. I'm also inspired by the voices of Usher, R. Kelly, Trey Songz, and other RnB artists. One of my goals is actually to sing some of my favorite Chris Brown love songs at my wedding to my wife in front of my family and hers (which is years down the line, of course lol).

Excited for the journey, and can't wait to see the perspectives of others goin on theirs as well.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Glad to hear from you and excited that you're getting started on learning to do more with your voice. It's a jouney and this new part of it is just getting started for you!

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