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KevinGremKevinGrem Pro Posts: 217
I thought perhaps we could open a topic about God and spirituality, if that's alright.

I am someone who is searching to find God in my life. I have been praying a lot lately, and trying to connect myself to Him. I understand Ken is a very passionate Christian, and I know tons other people who are the same way. One of my best friends is a very strong God believing man, and whenever I talk to him I always get the feeling that he's connected to some kind of higher spiritual realm and that God's presence is speaking through him towards me. He's just a very bright, positive, friendly person, and ever since I met him my life has gotten so much better, honestly.

There are several barriers I have to become a believer. First, being a very musical person, I consider that to be the source of all goodness and happiness in life. I consider music to be my religion honestly. With that, I don't see or understand why I need God in my life, if I already have my music. Of course it's possible that God may be the one behind all of it, allowing me to have this love for music. Certainly that is possible. But, since I am looking to actually connect with God and live my life accordingly, just knowing that he might be behind it doesn't really help me. Furthermore, the music I love and write has messages such as "seek independence, distance myself from submission" - a lyric that I relate to and have a deep appreciation of. Surely that is not what God wants, is it? Can I be independent and yet still be a believer? I don't know, but I've been told by believers that my music is a form of idolatry, which is a sin, and which is something God does not approve of. So it seems unlikely that he would be behind it.

However, I also have come to realize, sadly, that I am not strong enough to be the person I want to be on my own. It is because I have been broken down and have gone through a life crisis in 2015 that I began to beg God to come and help me. I was really desperate and I really needed help. And I have gotten help, through the people I have met, who have done wonders for my well being. But again, I attribute this all to the success of my MUSIC. So it really seems to me that if God is answering my prayers, then he is doing so in this way.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,386
    Keep seeking Him, Kevin. He's interested in your heart. Submit that to Him. We're all independent, and we're all fallen. He knows that.
  • ivannyungivannyung Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 16
    Hey Kevin. Check out "Loving God" by Chuck Colson. It explores portraits of what it looks like to connect with God and what it looks like to live it out! I think it might be helpful for you!

    “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Matt 7:7 ESV
  • Jhenneberg88Jhenneberg88 STREAMING PRO Posts: 7
    Hi Kevin, I'm a new member to this forum so I am just now reading your post, so it is a bit late, I apologize. I was raised in the church but didn't truly surrender my life to God until my early 30's. All my life I heard the old "God will give you the desires of your heart" spiel but never really gained revelation of what that truly meant until 4-5 years ago. Whenever I heard that from someone, it always sounded like God was this genie in a bottle character who grants wishes. But I finally had an "aha moment" and realized that is not at all what that means.

    God places (gives to) in each of our hearts specific desires and gives us all unique gifts. For some, that desire is to heal people, for some it is to teach, for some it is to build, etc..... And for some, myself included, it is a desire to completely immerse myself in music. I have been passionate about music since I was a little girl, and that passion has only grown as I've aged. I believe that passion was placed there on purpose by God, and that passion is not only for praise and worship tunes, as I have very eclectic taste and enjoy and have an appreciation for almost all genres of music. I don't believe that is by accident.

    I say all that to make this point, keep on seeking after God's will for your life. Ask Him to reveal things to you about the direction you should go, I have a sneaking suspicion that music/singing will play a big part in that. There is absolutely no reason to separate your love of music from God. God placed that love in your heart on purpose for a specific reason. Hope that helps in some small way.
  • KevinGremKevinGrem Pro Posts: 217

    Thanks for your response. The thing is, the music that I really, really love is very far from Christian. I really honestly love the darker themes. Black Sabbath is one of my favorite bands. You wouldn't expect them to be Christian though, would you? Yet they actually are, believe it or not. So, what does that mean?

    Is it a problem if I really love dark themes and demonic imagery? Does it make sense that I can be a Christian and yet be into that stuff? That's my question.
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