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To loud to traing

BrunoJonessBrunoJoness Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 6
I am having trouble to do the volumes because I am traveling in Europe living in hostels and coachsurfing.. So I can not do so much noise. Did anybody find a solution or equipment to isolate this sound?

I desperated about it.. It have been so dificulte to work the voice in my house with family. But right now its impossible.. I tried to put pillows, clothes, etc in front of my mouth but nothing seems to work.

Most of the time I am at the street to sing and I cannot do the volume before perform.. PLEASE help me with ideas


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    You may have to go to an empty area of an outdoor park or an unoccupied church or school room. If you are in hostels then you will have a hard time finding any privacy. Are there any buildings with basement hallways or maintenance penthouse that are normally not occupied?
  • BrunoJonessBrunoJoness Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 6
    I really don't have place to work it. I am thinking about invent something to put in front of my mounth and try to isolate the sound (like the exhaust in cars) lol
    Its crazy.. but..

    A new question: when I do the volumes my song get way better, my pitch, my extension, distortions, etc.. But will I be attached with it forever? I mean, will I be the a singer that only sing after doing this hole process? Because I see people in bands and streets that doesnt do it and is good.. I know thats the training will improve my voice but without this hour work I cannot make distortions, sing the same songs well, I mean if I meet a guy in the street or in a pub and he ask me to sing I wont have it you know ;/
  • BrunoJonessBrunoJoness Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 6
    Other question, how much is it to have a class with ken.. I read the he comes to Europe some times?
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    You'll have to look on the website to see the prices for private lessons with Ken.

    As to working out, you'll need to always warm up if you want to keep your voice healthy for years to come. That said, you can sometimes get away without a full hour. You can do a 15 minute warmup before a gig. Or you can go cold turkey and warm up in front of your audience, but you won't sound as good, and you'll risk overdoing it by trying harder since you aren't warmed-up. So I don't advise it. You can quit practicing altogether, but your voice will slowly atrophy. You will keep some of your skills, but you have to keep working out if you don't want your voice to get flabby. As long as you keep working out, even minimally, you will keep growing your voice, and the more you work out, the more buff your voice will get.
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