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The Ken Tamplin Challenge

Is anybody here planning on taking up the challenge? I plan on giving it a shot even though I know there are a lot of better singers than myself who will sign up.

I already have the course, but owning THE VAULT sure would be cool, but I will be doing it mainly for fun. I've only been singing a very short time so winning anything would really be setting my sights too high.

Anyway, should be fun, and hope others from here participate.

Good Luck!

Peace, Tony


  • Furious_PhilFurious_Phil Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,421
    This is the first I've heard of it... you have a link to it or something?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    I got it in my email yesterday.

    Get A Ken Tamplin T-Shirt, Post Your Video
    Some of my students have a big name.

    But I've got a hunch there's more killer talent that needs discovery.

    That's why I'm creating a challenge to feature someone on my channel.

    First it was Charlie Bit My Finger, then it was the Ice Bucket Challenge.

    Now it's time for the Ken Tamplin Challenge, baby!

    The video of you singing can be:

    -any genre of music (just show off your pipes!)

    -serious or silly

    -before vs after doing the KTVA program (YouTubers welcome)

    -as short or as long as you'd like

    -acapella, with music, with friends, or however you'd like

    -just make sure you're rockin' your Ken Tamplin Challenge T-shirt!

    (we think posting to Facebook or YouTube makes the most sense)

    Ken Tamplin will be judging each submission to choose his favorite. Ken might choose the best singer, the most viewed, the most fun, the most creative, or any mixture thereof -- the point is to show off a bit and have some fun!

    Winners can receive the $2,000 Gene Simmons "Vault", the full KTVA course + 1 on 1 coaching, and even be featured on Ken's YouTube Channel.

    To see Ken's walk-through of the Simmons Vault, check out Ken's video here:

    --> https://youtu.be/uCC0dnv1waI

    Please send in the link to your video submission to thekentamplinchallenge@gmail.com
  • bentkbentk Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,650
    Wow, i would love entering actually, but i am afraid people will easily out-sing me. Could be insecurity talking as well.

    I am interested to see the submissions!

    All the best,

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    I don;t think we get to see the submissions Ben. I think they just go through Ken's camp until they decide who they like.
    Give it a shot. It will be fun if anything.
  • Furious_PhilFurious_Phil Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,421
    I didn't see how much the T-shirts were that you have to wear to submit an entry?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    The Ken Tamplin Challenge is simple:

    Post a video of you singing a song that you feel shows off your voice best, rockin' your Ken Tamplin Challenge T-shirt!

    Buy your shirt here for only $9.14 (that includes shipping).

    --> https://ken-tamplin-vocal-academy.myshopify.com/

    There are three different shirts to choose from
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    Bob posted it today in Kens video section
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Yes, Tony. You were part of a test emailing that went out. That's why when you first asked about who was going to join in, there were only crickets chirping.
  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    Hi all,

    As I don't see the info from the email or the event page, may I ask what country size these T shirts are based on? Is it American size? I asked because I read that once ordered, these will be made in China. So I thought I'd be on the safe side and ask this question here (the event page doesn't allow us to leave a question, nor has the FAQs answered this particular question.

    Thanks in advance for the help! This event sure sounds fun and I might just give it a shot. :)
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    They are most likely "American" sizes, but I guess we'll find out when they arrive.
  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    edited March 2018
    @highmtn, cheers for the prompt reply! I've shot Ken this question on Youtube; hopefully he'll answer this.

    Not to be an anal and cheap, but I'd rather order a T-shirt that'll fit me. Plus for internal shipping it's 5 bucks more...
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    And the official answer is: "They are technically European, but all of the T Shirts I bought were in alignment with other T Shirts I bought."
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    I'm just going to order what size I always do because when I finish my video with it, I'm signing it, and tacking it on the wall in my jam space. If I ever for some reason get to meet Ken or any other KTVA members in the future, I'll have them sign it too.

    I know I should have read the rules, but can I make a video for each of the three different shirts?

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    I didn't see any rules saying you can't.
  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    highmtn said:

    And the official answer is: "They are technically European, but all of the T Shirts I bought were in alignment with other T Shirts I bought."

    Thanks for the info, Bob! Good to know! :)

    when I finish my video with it, I'm signing it, and tacking it on the wall in my jam space. If I ever for some reason get to meet Ken or any other KTVA members in the future, I'll have them sign it too.
    Now that sounds like a good idea, @videoace! I might just do that too! Hopefully there's other active KTVA folks in Tokyo!
  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    edited March 2018
    I'm officially throwing my hat into the ring...just placed an order! I'm stoked! And as a guy who only shops about once every 1-2 years, you know this is a big compliment.

    I think this is also a good motivation for us to work toward THE song we've been wanting to master. I'm planning to sing my ultimate hero's song, though it's in Chinese. World-wide race, no lol? I hope the fact that I'm gonna sing in Chinese won't hold me back in this contest...

    Edit: I thought I might need to clarify my statement a bit: Of course I wouldn't be singing some non-English song AND hoping the panel will fully appreciate the emotions and the gist of the elusive Chinese lyrics in it; rather, I'd pick a song that's melodic and can showcase my range and the techniques I've acquired from Ken's program. Does that qualify? The song I have in mind is one of the hardest songs for any singer in any genre; there are some powerful mixes in the 6th octave in there that i'm hoping to accomplish. (E6 is still a hit or miss for me, but it's a working progress...)
  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    Hi @highmtn and other admins, I placed my order (Order #1048) 12 days ago, but every time I track my order status, it keeps showing "pending." And I actually wrote an inquiry to thekentamplinchallenge@gmail.com 2 days ago, but I haven't heard anything back yet...

    I'm a bit concerned bc I live in Tokyo and the deadline is approaching. Could you help me out, Bob? I'll forward that email to you shortly. Thanks in advance for considering it!

  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    edited April 2018
    @highmtn I'm glad to report that i just received a system message about an hour ago. Looks like it was just a delay in the system; my T-shirt arrived at Jiangxi province in China on 3/27 and was subsequently shipped by air from Shanghai to Japan on 4/2. It should land anytime soon then. Thanks, guys!

  • 4jBorruel4jBorruel 2.0 PRO Posts: 422
    I watched on YouTube yesterday the Ken trampling challenge. all participants require to order shirt to wear it, and then, sing a song to post it to youtube.

    I have been thinking to participate, even though, I know my singing level is absolultely lessen comparing to all of the KTVA members, and even much lessen from whom member particpating.

    So for winning, I don't even see in my wildest dream of going to the next round, because I know the singing level of mine is not ready.

    Particpating to this challenge, I am embarrassing myself, making fool of myself,and providing the reason for others to make of fun of me.

    Despite the all of the embarrassing, defeating, and others why I am still interested to participate to this challeenge.

    What is the advantage? Is this help me improve my shyness when singing to front of people? Is this help me build confidence when singing? Is this help me improve the singing level?

    Thank you all for finding time to read my post.
  • 4jBorruel4jBorruel 2.0 PRO Posts: 422
    Upon reading my last post, some may have had taken into negative for the grammar arrangement; My sincerely apology.
    I am just reaching out for help to permanently believe in myself. My confidence in singing has been similar to elastic rubberband. Even thought I'm slow learner in singing,
    I'm so motivated and dedicated to learn to sing, but very low or non self confidence is the biggest enemy of my own to apply what I learned.

    Please advise
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    You're not alone my friend. I have a very hard time learning to sing myself. I have to work really hard, and long to get some of the things most say were/are easy. I put in a lot of hours and still don't sound good at all, but I'm enjoying the challenge, and learning a little something along the way.
    For me, confidence isn't a problem. I know I can do it. It's just going to take me longer than most.

    Just keep on doing those scales, and pay attention to what your body is doing. You will be just fine.

    Peace, Tony
  • bentkbentk Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,650
    @FFBS @videoace

    It's your dedication that will get you there. No great things/skills come easy.
    More so, it's very inspiring to read these type of things. I had so much struggles myself, and still have. But progress is there, which shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    That might have sounded a little dramatic, but it's true.

    All the best,

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    @bentk @FFBS
    Are you going to do the challenge?
  • bentkbentk Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,650
    I haven't ordered a t-shirt and i haven't given it much thought this time. I'll wait for a second challenge! :)

    All the best,

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    I'm surprised. I figured most of the regulars here would toss in a video.
    It's something fun to do, and support the people that are always here supporting us so it's a win win.

    Catch you on the next one my friend.

    Peace, Tony
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    @Alvis Did you get your shirt yet? Mine came yesterday so now it's video time.

    Good luck, and have some fun with it.

    Peace, Tony
  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    @videoace Hi Tony, thanks for checking with me. Mine actually arrived a few weeks ago, and I did record a vid wearing it, but I might give it another shot before the deadline. I haven't submitted anything yet.

    Thanks. You too. Good luck :)

  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    @iking The deadline is April 30 and I'm afraid you might not make it this time. Not sure if we'd host it again, but if you're a subscriber of Ken's newsletter or his YouTube Channel, you'd have received the info about a month or so ago.


    Make sure to check your spam folder in case that's where the email ended up and "whitelist" Ken's email account. Sorry to hear about this.
  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    @iking I can't speak for Ken, but you could write an email to the team in charge of the Ken Tamplin Challenge if you wanted to. There you go: thekentamplinchallenge@gmail.com

    Good luck and please share your vid with us. That sounds like a fun song :smile:
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    They know some people have just gotten their T shirts. They might even accept a home-made version (maybe not) but why not try? Just so you can say you tried.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    @iking what part of the globe do you live?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    That's too bad because if you were closer I could have sent a shirt over night to you, but it would take too long to get it where you are.

    I'm Scottish, and Irish so I'm pretty sure the lesson taught would be yours ha ha ha (just kidding of course).

    Have a good one.

    Peace, Tony
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    @iking here is my email address: videoace004@gmail.com

    If you still want to do it, shoot me your address, and I'll send you one of my shirts

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    @Alvis Did you get yours in on time, and what did you sing?

    Peace, Tony
  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    edited May 2018
    @videoace Hi Tony, I submitted mine a few days ago. Kinda just let it sit there without too much "promo." But I've noticed that a few ktva challenge vids have surfaced (4 vids as of now, mine and yours included).

    Good choice on One, Tony. I like that song too.
    For my challenge, I chose Soundgarden's Beyond the Wheel. It'd be great if we could gather all KTVA student submissions in one thread, maybe this one would do?

    Peace, Alvis.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    Mine wasnt very pretty ha ha, but I had a great time doing it. I would like to see some of the other videos. How did you find the other videos?

  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    edited May 2018
    Hi Tony, it's all about having fun while keeping ourselves motivated, don't you agree :) ?

    You can find other vids by simply searching the key words "the Ken Tamplin challenge." Some folks might have chosen to set their submissions in unlisted mode (i.e. only the ones with the "secret link/URL" can view the vid), though, which might explain why there's only 4 such vids on YouTube so far.
  • DiegoDiego Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
    Haha, saw yours Tony. It was not bad actually.
    I couldn't try out sadly, haha.
    And saw Alvis' as well. Not bad as well. There are some really good submissions in Youtube.

  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    @Diego Did you throw your hat into the ring as well?
  • DiegoDiego Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
    No, sadly, I couldn't join you guys.
  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    Was it bc of the deadline? I believe Bob was saying that it'd still be worth a try. I wonder how many of us (KTVA students) joined the challenge.
  • AlvisAlvis Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 125
    edited May 2018
    I thought I'd just post all the challenge submissions available on YouTube in here, so here goes:

    BILL MUNSELL - A Capella medley of songs by The Daniel Band and himself
    Alvis - Beyond the Wheel
    Tony, aka videoace - One
    Geoff Yallop - You raise me up
    Carl Stewart - Rise above (original)

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    edited May 2018
    @iking It was just something to do for fun. If you've seen my video, my voice is in no way at competition level either. The one video I did see that was really good was by Geoff in the video above. That guy can sing very well.

    It's good to take your singing seriously, but you are also allowed to have some fun doing it too.

    Anyway, sorry that you didn't take me up on it. It would have been nice to see more students doing videos.

    Peace, Tony
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    I was going to do "Angel of Harlem", but couldn't get a couple of parts to it.

    Those are wall tapestries I have hanging. Much cheaper than rugs, but they are very thin so they don't do anything sound-wise. They just look cool (like me) ha ha.

  • AndreyAndrey Member Posts: 7
    Hello, everyone, is the challenge over or we may still submit our videos. If ''yes'', where should we post them, at FB, Youtube or somewhere here?
    Thank you in advance,
    keep rocking, guys.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Word is that the contest ends Friday of next week. If my calendar is right, that would be June 15, 2018. So there is still time. I would send a copy to ktvahelp@gmail.com with capital letters in the title "KEN TAMPLIN CHALLENGE".
  • Gaston_JaureguiGaston_Jauregui Moderator, Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,004
    i just want the T-shirt hahaha is it available for purchase?
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    I think the shirts may be off the market by now.
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