Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy course - Good for the amateur!

just wanting let some people know that KTVA is awesome for the amateur singers. I'm singing in a Christmas special in the choir in church this year(as every year). i'm singing bass so i will not be singing above E4. before KTVA i could not sing past C4 with out pulling chest so bad i would get funny looks from people when i sang that high.thanks to "open throat" singing i don't get funny looks any more! LOL
I would wager (if I were a gambling man) that your voice has really matured since your first church performances. You've been working the KTVA program for some time now, had one-on-one's with Ken, and I know I've heard a lot of improvement in your voice.
Isn't it great to know that the longer you work at this, the more milestones you pass in your vocal journey, and the cumulative effect is totally rewarding.
I know a lot of students have had their stages bought by parents or a spouse as a gift, because someone knew that such a gift would really have a lasting change on a very important part of their life.
What an awesome thing to lay on someone you care about!
We often focus on how KTVA is the best program for professional singers, which is true.
Something that is also true is that Ken starts you out at ground zero. He asks you to leave any previous vocal training at the door when you begin KTVA. He shows you, step-by-step how to go from basic to very advanced, in gradual processes.
If you're an amateur, you might as well start and finish your vocal journey with KTVA. It will take you all the way. Take your time, and go for it!
As @Xplosiw said above, don't put limits on yourself.