How to increase chest voice range?

Hi all! I really love singing and I am very passionate about it. I'm 15 years old, and I am in a choir. I classify under a bass 2, which is the lowest section in the choir. I would say that I can easily hit a D2 or a C#2 comfortably with my chest. Higher notes however, don't come as easy. My highest comfortable note sung with proper technique using chest voice would probably be a D4. I can go up to an F4 however, more or less comfortably with some strain in my voice. Singing an F#4 however requires me to really start shouting. Without shouting, I'll sound like a dying duck trying to hit it with my chest voice! Shouting would probably take me to a G4 and (sometimes on good singing days) G#4. Anything beyond that would be completely out of my range. I would like to practice how to belt higher into probably a Bb4 (B4 would be my dream) and also how to hit the lower F#4 and G4 more comfortably.
All the best!