Under Pressure Cover.

Here I do both Freddie's and Bowie's parts. Fun song.
Please give me feedback on what to change, or whatever.
Thank you to anyone who is willing to take a listen.
@highmtn @Furious_Phil
Here I do both Freddie's and Bowie's parts. Fun song.
Please give me feedback on what to change, or whatever.
Thank you to anyone who is willing to take a listen.
@highmtn @Furious_Phil
Of course I know, that's why I come back and keep uploading, because I want to get better, and I know what it takes and I thank you for the awesome feedback. If it wasn't for you all I would still be distorting the sounds lol.
Now that you know you can sing it.....do some without edits. Just sing all the way through no stopping. That would be my next step. To start singing songs front to back.
Nice Job Diego.
Peace, Tony
I know you tend to show off your higher range, but I really, really like your tone when you're doing the lower Bowie parts. It's very distinctive and pleasant to the ear, rich and smooth and something I'd personally like to hear you develop more. That's just a personal thing though, your belts and head voice, especially on that big note towards the end, are sounding great, albeit maybe a little uncontrolled at times but that's likely just 'cause you're getting into the performance.
In terms of your recording itself, there's a certain 'boxy' sort of quality to your vocal parts that's easily remedied with a bit of equalisation in the lower midrange. At the moment, it's overpowering the sparkly sound of the added harmonics you're bringing to the sound but, as I said, it's easy to fix. It's really common so if you want to know how to fix it yourself, just google something like "boxy vocals eq" and you should find something.
By the way, when it comes to recording and mixing nowadays, YouTube is your best friend. Tutorials will help sooooooo much, seriously. Over the last 10+ years, I've taught myself everything from motion graphics and design, to scriptwriting and video/audio post-production using tutorials and hard work, so it's totally possible to learn this stuff if you're willing to put in the effort.
Great work again, I've followed you on Soundcloud and look forward to hearing your future uploads!
I like discussing different technique when it comes to the creative arts. It usually sparks new ideas within myself, and helps with motivation.
Just a thought
Peace, Tony