Just starting

Hello Everyone!
I just bought Ken's course and trying to work my way through Volume I... I sing all my life, but only in the car or when no one is listening. I think I can pitch very well only don't like the sound of my voice - mainly the head voice, but also my chest voice isn't quite as I would like it to be. Just dull and without the "ping"
I'm turning 40 this year (!?#!) and just thought this is now or never! So I'm going to work on my voice to be able to sing for other people and so they (hopefully) like it

You will find that singing is a journey and that you are just getting started on the beginning of what will be a great thing for you. You will be able to grow your tone, your range, and your overall satisfaction with your voice. You have made a wise decision, and there is the rest of your life to benefit from what you are beginning now!
Make sure you get your student upgrade for the forums: http://forum.kentamplinvocalacademy.com/discussion/6859/how-to-get-access-to-the-ktva-student-areas-of-the-forums#latest
And thanks for the link. I sent the email, so should get my proper access soon.
The forum itself is great too, even just to get some feedback on your scales and absolute basics, or for an honest critique of where you're having problems from people who really do know the game inside and out.
Best of luck in your journey and I look forward to seeing you grow.
- Tommy
Welcome! It's awesome you are here!
This is a fab place. I'm already glad I joined
Looking forward to learn from you all!
It's been a great experience for me so far so I hope you enjoy your challenge just as much.
Peace, Tony
Best of luck and I look forward to hearing more from you!