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Suggestions for the first class with Ken

StefanStefan Enrolled Posts: 19
edited October 2012 in Ken Tamplin's Corner
Heya guys, as the title goes, what do u suggest for the first class with Ken?
What can i expect and what did you expect/get ?
Cheers everybody :) !


  • voodoovoodoo Pro Posts: 250
    A few suggestions are to come up with a list of any questions that you may have about a technique that Ken demonstrates, or a specific KTVA volume exercise.  Have one or two songs ready to sing for Ken.  Be ready to tell Ken what you are looking to get out of the lesson in particular and overall with your singing.  Ken may have you sing a scale or a part of song to get an idea of what he wants to work on during the lesson.  He will then probably start working on scales or the song (based upon how advanced you are) and correcting with you the issues that he heard.  You can expect to be astounded at how much better you got during the lesson and how much information he provides to you.  Afterwards he sends you a link to download the session (he records them).   Best practice is to go over that recording regularly for a few weeks to ensure that you incorporate all of the changes that Ken showed you.  Hope that helps.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,032
    edited October 2012

    Here is something I would suggest: Make sure you have practiced the scales with the volume on your CD player very low.  I had practiced my CD workouts with the CD playing very loud, and much of what I would hear was actually KEN (on the CD).   When it was MY TURN to sing, I was surprised at how weak my voice was without the crutch of hearing Ken's voice on the CD. 

    Mostly it was a matter of coming to grips with HOW MUCH SUPPORT is needed to properly sing the scales.  If you practice with the CD turned up just enough to hear the keynotes from the guitar, or practice with just a guitar or piano, you can get used to hearing your voice solo, so that you aren't distracted or surprised in your first lesson, and you can concentrate on the lesson.

    Make sure you've gotten the basics down on your AH vowel, and be ready to do vowel mods.  Take the recording that Ken sends you after the lesson and play it over and over.  Sing to it like you're there at the lesson, again and again.



  • StefanStefan Enrolled Posts: 19
    Excellent that is what i was hoping for :) !
    I think we will work on support the most, as i feel that is my weakest point.
    Thx a lot for these helpful tips :).
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