Original song - Just notice

Hi! I've been writing songs that are more simple than what I usually do. I wonder what you think of the song?

The singing is a work in progress I want to improve but I dont want take away the soul I have when I sing. I dont want to try too hard.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    The song itself isn't bad. Do you have multitracking capabilities? If so I would add another guitar.
    Maybe a series of progressive harmony scales on the second guitar. Or just double up the same guitar parts for a wider sound.

    The song itself I liked. It has a nice feel to it.

    Peace, Tony
  • JonasFinnLarssonJonasFinnLarsson Pro Posts: 200
    videoace said:

    The song itself isn't bad. Do you have multitracking capabilities? If so I would add another guitar.
    Maybe a series of progressive harmony scales on the second guitar. Or just double up the same guitar parts for a wider sound.

    The song itself I liked. It has a nice feel to it.

    Peace, Tony

    Thanks Tony. Yes I have, another guitar might be nice also as you say harmonies might brighten it up a bit. Glad you like the song. Thanks for the input I appreciate it.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Careful on some of those lower notes, the pitch can be hard to discern between low C and C#.
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