Home Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy - The PRO's Vocal Method

Just upgraded to 2.0 and it is amazing

I can't believe how much more information there is, and the presentation is amazing, much more polished. really excited about this.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Can you even believe how much better it is... and that Ken let former purchasers have it for close to nothing!
  • DaftdogDaftdog Premium Posts: 1
    highmtn said:

    Can you even believe how much better it is... and that Ken let former purchasers have it for close to nothing!

    Just a quick question..... Is there an upgrade path for existing purchasers of the v.1 course? Your comment suggests there might be but I can't seem to find any link to it on the main website.... I'd certainly considering upgrading if the cost was a modest one.... Thanks in advance.... John
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    KTVA is still allowing upgrades and the price is still very reasonable.

    You can write to ktvahelp@gmail.com and ask about a 2.0 upgrade. It's download only, at that low rate. No DVD or USB at the reduced rate.

    They will email you back with the details. Please provide a copy of your original KTVA receipt if you still have it, or at least the email address that you had when you ordered 1.0 so they can try to look up your purchase.
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