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Sore neck muscles surrounding larynx & windpipe?

Hi all!

Yesterday I was singing quite heavily with a friend, without warming up much at all. Today, I have noticed that my neck muscles in front of my neck are sore. I don't have a sore throat, but I am curious to know if this is normal after singing heavy?

I have noticed that Ken Tamplin and some of his highly experienced students have some wicked front neck muscle action going on. Is this related to the question above?

Anything about the purpose of neck muscles while singing will help :)



  • Gaston_JaureguiGaston_Jauregui Moderator, Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,004
    Hi, @ryankwast i would not trust that feeling even if you dont have a sore throat, it would be better to post an audio where you are singing the way you usually sing to know what you are really doing
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    Although it may be true that Ken and some of his students have sturdy neck muscles, the main muscles of the neck are constrictor muscles, used mainly for swallowing. They don't help you to hit a note, even in the slightest. You are much better off having those muscles relaxed. Same for the muscles that support and aim the direction of the head. Just use them to keep the head level and straight-ahead.

    You also want the digastric muscle, behind the chin, to be as free as possible, too.

    As you get better and more experienced with your singing, you will begin to realize that the MAIN MUSCLE that you will rely upon for your singing will be your diaphragm. The more you rely on your diaphragm for support, the easier it is to relax the throat, and the better your tone becomes. Your voice will become more relaxed, because you won't be trying to force notes from the throat. You'll be letting your support do the heavy lifting.

    As you get better at using your voice more properly, your tendency to tense-up your neck and throat will begin to diminish.

  • ryankwastryankwast Enrolled Posts: 18
    Hey guys,

    Thanks for the responses! I'm starting to think that my neck was sore because I went to the gym that day and did an exercise I don't normally do with improper form.

    Gaston, I like the idea of posting a video of me doing exercises, I think I'll do that next time I practice.

    Bob, thanks for the tips about relieving tension-- it's easy to forget these things when you're singing at the top of your register and focusing on the sound. I've always been curious about those neck muscles, as I know some of my favourite singers have beefed-up-looking necks. But I guess that's not something to worry about.

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,388
    We tend to feel tension just because we are approaching our limitations on our highest notes. But the tension is a reaction, and not something that helps us hit the notes. Relaxing actually helps us more. There is no singing of our highest notes without some tension, because it requires tension on the cords to product the high note. But we want to be as relaxed as we can be under those circumstances so that we won't be fighting our tension. The note is hard enough. No need to add more tension than is required, and we tend to grab for tension to "help" us get there.
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