Taking on the lead role

Hi all, very excited to have joined the forum. I just received my bundle, but have been going through the videos on YT and Volume One online. Even after only 1 week I have learned a lot and sang more than ever! I'm a guitarist, Berklee College of Music grad and I've been writing, recording and performing most of my life (I'm 48!). But, I've never done the lead singer role and now out of necessity I'm finally trying it! I've been without gigs for almost 2 years after moving and I formed an acoustic duo. We played on good show and the frontman decided to bail! I had 9 more BOOKED GIGS!
A former lead singer in a band has stepped in to help (awesome guy!) but the idea is eventually I'm playing solo. We gigged last night, sounded great, made good cash and $50 in tips plus another venue owner was there and wants us at her venue. I sand 10 of the 35 songs and it felt awesome. A few times I was kind of "swept away" in the moment both playing and singing and felt really confident. I can't wait to become and much better singer (and front person!).
I'm recouping today because it IS VERY CHALLENGING! But, I'm totally into this, we had a lot of compliments from friends AND total strangers and I KNOW I can go solo...
In fact, my partner can't make this next gig and I might keep it and go solo............ TWO WEEKS FROM NOW! We shall see!
Peace, Greg


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Great report, Greg!

    It's awesome to go through that metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly! Your great attitude will help you to bridge the gaps of doubt and fear and turn your old reality into the new one you are forging!

    Congratulations, and keep the energy flowing! You're on a good track!

  • ShulikoShuliko 2.0 PRO Posts: 20
    Great job! Keep it up! I am sure your motivation will speed up the learning process :)
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