Stone sour - song#3 - Cover..
Member Posts: 8
Hello everyone.. I wasn't born a singer at all, so I've practicing really hard for the past 7 months.. I'm gonna leave here a cover of this awesome song I did last week so you can tell me your thoughts on my singing, advices.. Anything that can help me is very much welcome.. Thanks!!!
> @Victorg_1994 It would be good if you posted a LAH scale rather than a song as it's easier for us to zone in on things to help you with. Regards this song ... the first 25 sec was a bit breathy. With more support you can sing quietly but with better tone (less breathy). After this point, you sang a lot of notes in D4-E4 area in your call voice but it was a bit shouty i.e. not well controlled/supported. I heard moments of distortion but hard to tell whether you were doing that safely, although I suspect not. There are a lot of pitch issues for you to work on (you can fix this with lots of scale practice to build muscle memory)