Chest voice stretching and belting or mix voice belting

Hey guys, so ive been singing for almost a year now and there is this singer that ive always admired but never quite understood his technique, Matt Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold, he sings with a huge amount of power not to mention alot of distortion and yet still manages to relax into the notes, getting vibrato, sounding melodic...etc. I was wondering if anyone can explain to me how is voice works and some guiding lines on how to try and get closer to that sound.
This also leads me to my question, is it better to stretch the chest voice register and belt in it on high notes or use a mix voice that resembles a powerful chesty voice and belt that way?
I appreciate the help
This also leads me to my question, is it better to stretch the chest voice register and belt in it on high notes or use a mix voice that resembles a powerful chesty voice and belt that way?
I appreciate the help

From some of the spoken lyrics, I'd venture to say that he is probably a baritone or high-bari. That definitely helps with the lower growl he has to his voice.
Lastly, he seems a more than a little reminiscent of James Hetfield to be honest.
And yeah, Pantera and Metallica are big influences on their band, if you grab Phil Anselmo and Hetfield's voice and put it in a mixer, you're gonna get something like Matt's voice
Is it safe? Well it depends on a number of factors... how loud is he actually singing? Where is he placing that fry in his throat? is he compressing properly? etc etc...
But he must be doing something somewhat right, as if he were screaming like that, he wouldn't last 3 songs of a set and his vocals would progressively get worse during a tour..
Alright so the main thing of all of this is that if i want to get a sound closer to that, i should problably get my chest voice nice and strong and then try and strech it in a confortable way, maybe get in a mix to go a bit higher, is that correct?
As for the distortion, i really dont know what to do on this one, ive been doing it in a way that sounds good and doesnt make me hoarse (although it is more tiresome on the voice) but just because it sounds good and doesnt give me any issues now, doesnt mean they cant appear at a later stage, maybe when its far too late
Ill be going to a vocal teacher in September (only half of the month), and once im able, buy this course, but seeing as i dont have my parents support, i gotta get some kind of part time job to get it.
Hopefully one day ill be doing things right
I would seriously advise doing what I did. if you really want this, then make it happen! Success will not come by and visit you on the couch
Get that job, save the money, order at least get the "Course" to get you going. Its what I did. When you put yourself out there like that, and put your money on the line (especially when its not plentiful) you're more apt to really work super hard to get all you can out of it!
** While you're waiting for the total $$ sum to accumulate, glean all that you can from the free videos
Honestly, I didn't have the $$ either, but I scrimped for months to just get the chance to crouch at the starting blocks! A year later, I was so jazzed with the progress, that I scrimped more and got myself extended to the Pro-level! You'd be surprised how quickly you can scrounge the quid for something that you really want.
Make the choice, set the course and paddle like crazy (Important life lesson contained therein
Bottom line is, no matter what anyone says, if thats what you feel like doing then you gotta take a shot and go for it, dont repress it or you will just blow it out in an unpredictable way
You say he's using false chords too, so he's doing both fry and false