Bohemian Rhapsody Cover by Diego

Here is the finished product.
Took a lot of hard work and dedication.
I did the best I could to reproduce this masterpiece, and hope you all enjoy.
All the voices are made by me, It took me about 3 days to put this all together, 1 day delay because I had to do the operatic section again because It all got deleted.
@highmtn @videoace @Furious_Phil @Gaston_Jauregui @TommyM @blondiewales @stratman
Thanks Tony for the feedback!
It is a lot better if you take a listen with headphones, I had some fun time with the panning. You'll see.
And honestly it was a lot of voices, a lot of harmonies to dig out. I think It was worth it in the end.
I definitely think this song helped me improve in all the areas because of the different stuff required to sing it.
Glad you enjoyed!
another pretty good one. Much better than the first recording.
Regards, Doc